Searching for Service Providers in Compliance Manager

Searching for Service Providers in Compliance Manager

Based on your business needs, you may want to add new service providers to your private network from time to time. The Search option in Compliance Manager lets you search for and view both the brief and detailed profiles of service providers. You may then invite desired service providers to be part of your private network.

Searching for Providers

You may search for specific service providers by their names or based on the locations they serve. The initial search displays the brief profile of service providers, as in the below image, including the profile score, office location, years in business, number of technicians, specialties, badges, and the number of clients that have the providers in their private network in Compliance Manager.

 Brief profile of a service provider

From here, you can either invite the provider to your private network, or drill down to view more details, as in the image below, including company information, profile score, specialization, and ServiceChannel experience.

Detailed profile of a service provider

Should the service provider meet your requirements, you may invite the provider to your private network from the detailed profile.

⦿ How to Search for Service Providers
  1. In the far-right corner of the submenu at the top, click Search (magnifying glass icon). The Search for Contractors window opens.
  2. Search by either trade or name of the service provider:
    1. To search by trade and location:
      • In Step 1, select Trade and Location.
      • In Step 2, click Enter a trade Name. A drop-down list with the trade names and a search box appear.
      • Click the desired trade name in the drop-down list. Alternately, type the first few letters of the trade name to narrow down the list, and then click the trade name.
      • (Optional) In the Enter Location box, enter either the zip code or city and state names.

        Service providers with office locations matching the location entered here appear at the top of the search results.

    2. To search by name:
      • In Step 1, select Contractor’s Name.
      • In Step 2, enter the company name or the first few letters of the name of the company you are looking for.
  3. Click Search. The list of service providers matching the search criteria appears. For each service provider, a brief profile is displayed, including the profile score, office location, years in business, number of technicians, specialities, badges, and the number of clients that have the provider in their private network. Note that search filters appear in the left of the page.

    You may invite a service provider by clicking the Invite Contractor button next to the provider name in the search result.

  4. (Optional) To narrow down your results and view service providers with a specific profile score, certification, or other criteria, use the filters available in the left side of the page.
  5. (Optional) Click the name of the desired service provider. A detailed profile opens, displaying company information, contact, office locations, trades, specialization, licenses, references, and ServiceChannel experience.

    You may invite the service provider to your private network from the detailed profile by clicking Invite this Contractor to Your Private Network at the top.

Search Filters

Searching for service providers by using a broad category such as trade might display a lot of service providers. However, you can apply search filters to narrow down your search to view only providers with a good profile score, specific specialties, or specific trade certifications to suit your requirement.

When you apply a filter, a yellow sidebar appears next to it so you have a quick view of how your list is filtered. You may remove your filters  once you are done with your search.

You may need to click a filter name to view the options.



Trade and Location

Search by trade and location.

To enter a trade name, click the Trade drop-down arrow and select the trade. To enter a location, type the country, state, province, county, city, zip code or address of the area serviced.

Click Search to apply the filter.

Business Name

To search for a service provider by the business name, enter the company name, and then click Search.

Profile Score

Use the sliders to set a profile score range to look for service providers having a profile score within that range.

Office Location

To search for service providers by country, open the Office location drop-down list, and select the country name.

Alternately, enter the first few letters of the country name to shorten the list, and select the country name.


To look for service providers with specific badges, select the checkboxes next to the desired badge names. To look for service providers with any of the badges, click Select All.

Diverse Contractors/Suppliers

To look for diverse service providers, select the desired checkboxes. To look for service providers with any of the diverse contractor/supplier classifications, click Select All.

Verified Diverse Contractors/Suppliers

To look for verified diverse service providers, select the checkbox next to Show VERIFIED Diverse Contractors/Suppliers option.


To search for service providers with a specific specialty, enter the first few letters of the specialty name, and select from the drop-down list. Alternately, open the Specialties list by clicking the arrow next to Type to Search and select the required option.

Trade Associations/Certifications

To search for service providers with a specific trade association or certification, open the Trade Associations/Certifications drop-down list, and click the desired item. Alternately, enter the first few letters of the specialty name to open the list, and click the desired item.

Number of Technicians

Search for service providers by entering the minimum number of technicians, maximum number of technicians or both, and then clicking Filter.

Removing Filters

Should you want to use a different filter, click Clear or Select None to remove the previously applied filters. You may also uncheck the previously selected options as applicable in each case.

Refreshing the page or navigating away from the page automatically clears all filters.