Viewing the Site Planning Reports List

Viewing the Site Planning Reports List

Each site audit submitted through SC Mobile or Service Automation is listed in Site Planning Manager - Reports. Permissioned users can:

You can also drill down into each audit to view checklists, ratings, media files, comments, work orders, and quantities or costs. See Reviewing the Site Audit Report for more information.

The Site Planning Reports List

Completed Audits

Each completed audit line item consists of the following:

  • Audit Status. Completed
  • Audit number. The unique audit number assigned to each audit.
  • Auditor's name. The first and last name of the person that submitted the audit.
  • Audit date. The date the audit was submitted.
  • Audit type. The type of the audit selected as configured in Site Planning Manager - Admin.
  • Overall score. Calculated values for checklist items within the audit. See Site Planning Rating System and Overall Audit Score Calculation, below, for more information on how this score is derived.
  • Location information. The location ID, location name, and the address where the audit was conducted. Click the location information to open the Locations module.
  • Edit - Update the existing audit if you need to change any items. See Editing Site Audits for instructions.
  • View. Drill down into the audit to see checklists, checklist items, ratings, media files, comments, work orders, and quantities or costs. Click anywhere else except location information and Download XLS to drill down into the audit.
  • Download XLS. Download the audit data submitted by the auditor.

In the XLS file, the audit photos and videos appear as links in the Photo # columns of the Action Items tab.

Open Audits

Each incompleted audit line item consists of the following:

  • Audit Status. Open
  • Audit number. The unique audit number assigned to each audit.
  • Auditor's name. The first and last name of the person that submitted the audit.
  • Audit date. The date the audit was created through SC Mobile.
  • Audit type. The type of the audit selected in SC Mobile, as configured in Site Planning Manager - Admin.
  • Number of unaudited items. How many items remain to be audited.
  • Location information. The location ID, location name, and the address where the audit was conducted. Click the location information to open the Locations module.
  • Edit. Complete or continue the audit. See Editing Site Audits for instructions.
  • Remove. Click Remove is you wish to delete the audit permanently.

Site Planning Rating System and Overall Audit Score Calculation

The rating system for each item is configured in Site Planning Manager - Admin. While an auditor is on site, they evaluate checklist items using the rating systems assigned to them.

  • For items with the Pass or Fail system selected, the audit result is indicated by either a green check mark (Pass) or a red cross X (Fail).
  • Other rating systems — Numeric, Weighted, and Percentage — imply that whether the item is rated as Pass or Fail depends on the Pass Threshold value that you specified in the site audit template. If the auditor’s rating is equal to or greater than the threshold value, the item gets the pass flag. Otherwise, the fail flag is assigned. Note that a numeric score is displayed in the report for both the Numeric and Weighted rating systems, and a percent sign (%) is used to show the inspection result for items with the Percentage system assigned.

Checklist items without a rating have NA listed in the ratings box. An auditor may mark a checklist item as N/A, for example, when a particular checklist item is not at the location, or when rating the checklist item is not applicable for that location.

Audit checklist line items marked as NA are excluded from the overall audit score. In other words, audit scores are solely calculated on checklist items marked as "Pass" against those marked as "Fail."

Checklist items may also have a different level of impact on the audit score. Veto checklist items, which are marked with a warning sign, have the highest impact on the audit score. When at least one of the Veto checklist items is marked as "Fail", the total score of the audit drops to 1%. However, when the same item gets "Pass", it is counted as a regular checklist item. Ignore checklist items, which are marked with a semi-filled circle, are ignored when the audit score is calculated.

Filtering and Sorting the Site Planning Reports List

Filters help you find the required reports so that you can take action faster. You can filter audits by the following criteria:

  • Date. Past month, past 3 months, past year, or custom date range. By default, the list contains all reports for the past month.
  • Location. Location ID, Location Name, District, Region, or Country.
  • Audit #. Exact audit number
  • Audit Type. Active audit types, as configured in Site Planning Manager - Admin.
  • Inspected by. Auditors that submitted the audit.
  • Audit Score. 100% score only, 0% score only, or a custom range.
  • With/Without Work Orders. Audits that have or do not have related work orders.
  • With/Without Photos/Videos. Audits that have or do not have related photos/videos.
  • Audit Status. Default is All. Choose from: All, Open, Completed 

You can also sort the reports by date, typescore, and status. Select the sorting criterion in the upper right corner of the page and click the sorting icon to toggle between the ascending and descending order. By default, the reports list is sorted by date in the descending order.