Conducting an Audit

Conducting an Audit

On the Areas and Checklists page, any list that has a number next to it indicates the number of checklist items that are not rated. On the Checklist Items page, any item with 3 dots next to the item indicates an unrated item.

Conducting an audit requires you to rate the conditions of each checklist item. You may also place comments and media files to support your ratings and enter work orders for more serious infractions. While conducting an audit, you may:

  • View the number of checklist items to audit for each checklist
  • Rate checklist items using the assigned rating systems
  • Add comments, photos, and videos to support your rating
  • Enter work orders to repair or replace assets, when warranted
  • Enter the quantity or the dollar amount of the items audited
  • View checklist item ratings from previous audits
  • Send site audit results to the specified email addresses when the audit is completed

Once you have conducted your audit, you must upload the audit data. Upon upload, all ratings, comments, work orders, and quantities are sent to Site Planning Manager - Reports in Service Automation for reporting purposes.

Starting a new audit before completing the current audit will delete all data from the current audit, even when you are auditing separate locations. Be sure to complete and upload or save your current audit before starting a new one.

The information below will walk you through navigating the screens to conduct an audit. Become familiar with the details of audit pages before going through these steps.

⦿ How to Conduct an Audit
  1. On the Areas and Checklists page of the Audits section, locate and tap the checklist corresponding to the place that you wish to inspect. The Checklist Items page appears.

    Note: Should a checklist not be available, you may add one to the list.

  2. Locate the appropriate checklist item corresponding to the item that you wish to audit.
  3. Tap the blue dots to the left of a checklist item to cycle through and select the appropriate rating or mark the item as N/A.
  4. (Optional) Tap the blue arrow to the right of a checklist item to navigate to the Audit page.
    • Tap Instructions for guidance on how to inspect and rate the item.
    • Tap the controls on the Ratings bar to modify the rating or mark the item as N/A.
    • Add a comment, attachment, work order, or quantity. See instructions below.
    • Tap the back arrow in the upper-left corner of the screen to go back to the Checklist Items page.
  5. Repeat steps 2–4 to rate all items, and then tap the back arrow to go to the Areas and Checklists page.
  6. Complete all checklists following the instructions above.
  7. (Optional) Select Send Audit To should you need to send the audit results by email. Tap the text field, edit the list of email addresses, and then tap Save.
  8. Tap Upload on the top of the screen. All checklist items will upload into the system, including comments, photos, videos, work orders, and quantities.

All work orders associated with the audit are dispatched to the appropriate service providers upon upload.

⦿ How to Add a Comment to the Checklist Item
  1. On the Audit page of the desired checklist item, tap Add Comments.
  2. Provide a descriptive note discussing your rating or notes for future audits.
  3. (Optional) Tap Add Attachment to take a photo or video. You can also choose an existing photo or video from your device's media files library.
  4. Next to Show in Next Audit?, tap the toggle to Yes if you want to keep this comment for future audits. If you want this comment to appear only for the current audit, tap the toggle to No.

    Adding a comment to a checklist item

    When you enter a comment and turn this feature on, your comment will be visible to other auditors.

  5. Tap Proceed. The comment is added to the checklist item.
⦿ How to Add an Attachment to the Checklist Item
  1. On the Audit page of the desired checklist item, tap Add Attachments.
  2. Take a photo or video. You can also choose an existing photo or video from your device's media files library.
  3. (Optional) In the text field, enter a comment about the attachment.
  4. Next to Show in Next Audit?, tap the toggle to Yes to have the attachment appear to inspectors during future audits. If you want the attachment to appear only for the current audit, tap the toggle to No.

    Adding an attachment to a checklist item

  5. Tap Proceed. The attachment is added to the checklist item.
⦿ How to Add a Work Order to the Checklist Item
  1. On the Audit page of the desired checklist item, tap Add WO.
  2. Select the appropriate area, problem type, asset type, problem code, and then tap Next.
  3. Enter the problem description, and then tap Next.
  4. (Optional) Enter answers to the troubleshooting questions, and then tap Next.
  5. (Optional) Tap Add Attachment to include a photo or video that will be sent to the service provider.
  6. Review your name, phone number, and problem description, and then tap Next. The Confirm WO Information page appears.
  7. Review the listed information. Should you have the edit rights, you will see pencils so that you may change the Description, Category, Priority, NTE, Scheduled Date, Provider, and/or Weather Type, where needed.

  8. Tap Save This WO. The work order is saved to your audit, but it will not dispatch until you upload your audit.
⦿ How to Add a Quantity to the Checklist Item
  1. On the Audit page of the desired checklist item, tap Add Quantity.
  2. To specify the quantity of the item, enter a number in the text field. To enter the cost in dollars, tap Dollars and enter the dollar amount or cost.

    Adding a quantity to a checklist item

  3. Tap Save. The Add Quantity button changes to Update Quantity button should you need to modify or remove the data.

On the Areas and Checklists page, any list that has a number next to it indicates the number of checklist items that are not rated. On the Checklist Items page, any item with 3 dots next to the item indicates an unrated item.

Concluding an Audit

When uploading an audit, all ratings, attachments, comments, work orders, and quantities are sent to Site Planning Manager - Reports in Service Automation for reporting purposes.

At the conclusion of your audit, whether you have finished or not, you have three options to exit the audit.

  1. Tap Upload to submit a completed report. Upload Completed with audit details will pop-up upon successful submission.
  2. Tap Upload to save as a draft and complete later. Tap Upload and you will see a pop-up window prompting you to choose Save as Draft - which will save and exit out of the report-- or tap cancel to continue working on the report.
  3. Tap the back arrows until you see this pop up to exit the report and discard; ex: You realized this was the wrong report type and do not wish to keep this report.

    1. Tap Save as Draft which will save and exit out of the report.
    2. Tap Discard to delete the audit and all input data.
    3. Tap Keep Editing to continue working on the report.

Once you tap Discard, it will automatically delete the report and WILL NOT SAVE any data you have input.

Large Uploads

While an audit is uploading, you can continue working in the ServiceChannel app. The Open or Completed audit will upload in the background. 

You cannot stop and edit the audit once it has started to upload. If you choose to click cancel, you will see a pop-up, warning that you will lose all your data that was input in that session.

Unsaved Audits

When you have started a new audit and the app unexpectedly closes out (human or machine error), the new audit will be saved locally to your device and show up in the SC Mobile app under the status Unsaved. The unsaved audit will remain on your device until you decide to complete, save as a draft, or delete. You can have an unlimited number of unsaved audits.

The audit will not show up on any other device or the web version until you save the audit as Open or Completed.

Open or Completed Audits

If you have gone back in to edit an Open or Completed audit and the app closes unexpectedly, your newly input data WILL NOT be saved.

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