Editing Site Audits

Editing Site Audits

Edit completed and open audits in Site Planning Reports in Service Automation. Whether you audited the location on SC mobile or in Service Automation, the report can be edited in either platform. See Editing an Audit in SC Mobile on how to edit audits in SC mobile.


Once a report has been changed, you cannot undo and go to a previous version of the report nor can you track historical changes. Keep this in mind as you make edits and submit.

Multiple Auditors

Please be aware that multiple users can be in the same audit at the same time. Whoever finishes first, their audit choices will be saved and other audit choices will disappear.  

⦿ How to Edit a Site Audit
  1. Click Edit on the report you wish to complete or update.
  2. Rate or update the checklist items.
  3. Click Submit to enter changes permanently.


    If you submit a report that is incomplete, you will receive a pop up window warning you to complete your audit before submitting or save as a draft. Clicking Cancel in this window will bring you back to your audit. Clicking Save as Draft will save the audit and bring you back to the Site Planning Manager - Reports page.


  4. Click Save & Close to save a draft of the audit, but not submit.
  5. Click Cancel if you do not wish to make any changes. The audit will not save any changes and will remain in the state it was before you opened it up to edit.

If you do not see the Edit button, contact your ServiceChannel administrator to ensure you have Site Audit Editor enabled.

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