Should you need assistance with completing this template, please reach out to your ServiceChannel Account Executive.
Adding an Attachment to PM Template
When uploading a PM template, you can include one attachment during the process and the file attaches to each work order when finalized. Adding a file allows for instruction, information, or images to be included during the original upload process and allows technicians to receive all the information at once. When a PM template is uploaded with an attachment, work orders are created and immediately visible on the list view and a system note is created for each work order. The attachment loaded with the PM template can be accessed on the ServiceChannel Provider App, the ServiceChannel Mobile App, and within the notes section of the work orders on the desktop. In addition, if the PM template loaded has the ‘AutoDispatch’ column set to TRUE or is left blank, a nightly email is sent to the service provider that includes a CSV file and a link to the attachment that was loaded. You must have the Power User secondary role in order to upload PM templates.