Column Descriptions in the Planned Maintenance Template

PM Template Descriptions

Following are the descriptions for each column in the PM Template. You will see the name of the column, if the column is required (denoted by an asterisk*), the format the data should be in (text, date/time or numerical), and the maximum number of characters for each field.

 Click here to expand and view PM template item descriptions and accepted values

Column Name* (Format, Maximum number of Characters): Description of column

  • Source* (Text, 50 max. characters): Should contain information about the requestor of the change, for example the person’s name or the name of the company and the department.
  • woNumber (Text, 20 max. characters): A number assigned to the work order by the service provider (different than the Tracking Number).
  • Caller (Text, 100 max. characters): Requestor of services. If keywords (ServiceID or revised) are used then caller field is updated with special value that can be reused for provider/trade/location combination (there are no time limits). (Note: ServiceID is standard part of IVR check in/out process and can be used by any provider/subscriber. It is 8 digit number with a leading zero [ex: 01234567].)
  • AutoInvoice (Text, 3 max. characters): Type YES if the work order should be auto-invoiced, or NO if not.
  • Trade* (Text, 50 maximum characters): The trade related to the work order.
  • ProviderID* (Text, 10 max. characters): Each service provider is assigned a Provider ID. You can find the Provider ID for Service Providers in your network on the Providers page in the Admin module.
  • ProviderName (Text, 100 max. characters): The name of the service provider.
  • SubscriberID* (Text, 10 max. characters): Your assigned Subscriber ID. Contact your Account Executive for your Subscriber ID.)
  • StoreID* (Text, 50 max. characters): Store Number assigned to the work order.
  • Tax* (Numeric with 2 decimal places, 10 max. characters): The dollar amount of tax to be charged on the work order. (Note: When the PM Template is uploaded, the system will add Tax + Price to ensure the total cost does not exceed the NTE amount, as configured in Service Automation.)
  • Price* (Numeric with 2 decimal places, 10 max characters): The cost of the work order, before taxes. (Note: When the PM Template is uploaded, the system will add Price + Tax to ensure the total cost does not exceed the NTE amount, as configured in Service Automation.)
  • CallDate* (Date/Time, 20 max. characters): The start date of the service.
  • ScheduledDate* (Date/Time, 20 max. characters): The scheduled time the service provider is expected to be on site. (Note: ScheduledDate must be present.)
  • Description* (Text, 2000 max. characters): The explanation of the requested service.
  • Status (Text, 50 max. characters): When left blank, the work orders are created with OPEN status. When “COMPLETED” is used, the work orders are created with the COMPLETED status and the completion date of today’s date. When a date is used (mm/dd/yyyy), the work orders are created with the COMPLETED status and the completed date of the date specified.
  • AutoDispatch (Text, 5 max. characters): Enter TRUE (or leave blank) to notify the service provider of the work order. (Note: Work order notifications are dispatched at night; unlike a standard work order, which dispatches immediately).
  • Category (Text, 30 max. characters): The category must be one of the existing categories for the subscriber, otherwise, the row will return an error. If left blank, the category “Maintenance” will be used.
  • Priority* (Text, 30 max. characters): The priority must be one of the existing priorities for the subscriber. If left blank, the lowest available priority for the subscriber will be used.
  • Quantity (Integer, 2 max. characters): Number of work orders to be created. If left blank, one work order will be created. Max quantity 30.
  • Currency (Text, 3 max. characters): USD or CAD – for US or Canadian Dollars. If left blank, USD is assumed.
  • Tax2 Type (Text, 3 max. characters): Used for Canadian Taxes. The values can be “PST”, “HST” or “QST”
  • Tax2 (Numeric with 2 decimal places, 10 max. characters): The value for the Canadian Taxes.
  • CallerIDMatch (Text, 5 max. characters): True/False. This flag will override the default for the subscriber. For example, if the subscriber requires a caller ID match for all work orders, but for this work order, no match is needed.
  • AssetUpdateFlag (Text, 5 max. characters): True/False. When the flag is set to True, the provider will need to update the asset record for the location during the confirmation process.
  • ExpirationDate* (Date/ Time, 20 max. characters): The Expiration Date of the work order. If left blank, the scheduled date becomes the expiration date. The work order must have both a scheduled and an expiration date; otherwise, the template returns an error.
  • GracePeriod (Integer, 2 max. characters): Number of days after the expiration date the service provider is allowed to check into the work order.
  • AutoComplete (Text, 5 max. characters/Numeric, 1 max. character): True/False. When the flag is set to TRUE, the work order will be autocompleted. (Note: You can type 1 instead of True, and 0 instead of False).
  • PoNumber (Text, 20 max. characters): Work order PO Number.
  • ExtendedStatus (Text, 50 max. characters): Extended Status (it will be verified if it’s valid for the main status)
  • AutoApprovedBy (Text, 50 max. characters): If the auto-invoice flag is set to true/yes, this field can be used to indicate if the invoice should be auto-approved (value of this column: ex Tomasz P will go into approved by field on invoice record.
  • Area (Text, 255 max. characters): Dashboard Area.
  • ProblemType (Text, 256 max. characters): Dashboard Problem Type.
  • Equipment (Text, 256 max. characters): Dashboard Equipment.
  • ProblemCode (Text, 256 max. characters): Dashboard Problem Code.
  • MasterTrackingNumber (Integer,     10 max. characters): Master Tracking Number to link/create a follow-up work order.
  • ExtendedAreaName (text, up to 50 characters): Additional dashboard area (sub-area) not validated upon upload.
  • AdditionalFieldName (text, up to 50 characters): Additional dashboard field name, for example, Quantity.
  • AdditionalFieldValue (text, up to 50 characters): Additional dashboard date to correspond to the field name, for example, 2 for Quantity.
  • EquipmentTagID (Text, 50 max. characters): TagID from equipment module for given location and trade. It will also add equipment related info (physical area, tagID, ModelNo and SerialNo) to the problem description.
  • ApprovalCode (Text, 40 max. characters): ApprovalCode that will be associated with newly created work order.
  • Label: Allows you to add a 'tag' on all work orders generated through Planned Maintenance, so you can filter and sort them in the Work Order module.
  • AdditionalApprovalCode (text, up to 50 characters): Additional Approval Code name as specified in your Admin settings. The code should be active, and its category should match the WO category.
  • AdditionalApprovalCodeValue (text, up to 300 characters): Value for the required Additional Approval Code.

PM Template Results and Error Codes

You can see which line items were successfully validated and which ones were not. For the line items that have an error, you will see an error code informing you of the issue, so you can fix it and resubmit. 

  • Result: For each line item, either Success or Error will appear.
  • ErrorCode: In case of error in the Result, one of the following Error Codes will appear:
    • Subscriber not found
    • Location not found
    • Provider not found
    • Duplicate wo # found
    • Category not found
    • Priority not found
    • Invalid currency
    • Invalid grace period
    • Invalid tax type
    • Scheduled and expiration date missing
    • Call Date exceeds Scheduled Date
    • Expiration date precedes Call or Scheduled Date
    • Problem Description missing
    • Completion date precedes Call Date.
    • Status/Ext. Status not found
    • PO Number Invalid Length
    • Master Tracking Number does not exist
    • Area does not exist
    • EquipmentTagID does not exist
    • WO can not be created: Vendor is flagged as Do-Not-Dispatch in Compliance Manager. Please contact your Admin
    • The provided Additional Approval Code ”N” is not an exact string match
    • Duplicate Record Found
    • The category of the provided Additional Approval Code & the Work Order do not match
    • The provided Additional Approval Code “N” is inactive

      In case of any error in the Validation Results, correct the invalid rows and upload the template again.

  • ResultTrackingNumber: When result is Success, the tracking number of the newly created work order will list.
  • DateStamp: When ResultTrackingNumber has a tracking number, the date of the new work order will list.
  • TimeStamp: When ResultTrackingNumber has a tracking number, the time of the new work order will list.

After you have submitted the template, you will see it in the Completed status. From now on, the system will generate the newly uploaded PM work orders.