Adding Locations and Assets to a Planned Maintenance Service

Adding Locations and Assets to a Planned Maintenance Service

Once you have set up a PM Service and set up corresponding Frequencies, you move to the last step of the planned maintenance process — assigning Locations to the PM Service.

By default, the system does not allow locations to be added to more than one frequency under each PM service.

Contact your ServiceChannel manager to assign the same location to multiple frequencies under the same PM service.

Adding Locations to PM Services

Before adding locations, be sure to set up a PM Service and a corresponding Frequency before assigning a service for a location.

⦿ How to Add Locations to a PM Service
  1. Navigate to the Planned Maintenance module > PM Services section. The PM Services list opens.
    List of PM services in the PM module
  2. Click Frequencies (#) in the Actions column for the PM Service you wish to add to a Location.
    PM serviceThe Frequency List for the selected PM Service will display.
  3. Click Locations (#) in the Actions column for the Frequency you wish to add a Location.
    PM frequency
    The Locations page for the PM Service and Frequency will display.
  4. Click Unassigned. A listing of the locations that are not assigned to the Frequency will display.
    Viewing locations that are not assigned to the PM frequency and service yet

    There are two ways to add Locations from this page: manually or by importing the Excel template. When you have more than five locations to add, the Excel template may be the quickest way.

  5. Check the box to select your desired Location(s). 

    Assigning locations to a PM service and frequency

    To select all locations, check the box in the blue header at the top of the list. If you select all Locations, remember to uncheck any Training or Billing locations that you do not wish to assign PM services to.

  6. Click Assign (#). The checked locations will be assigned to the frequency, and the Assign (#) button will indicate how many Locations are assigned to the Frequency. In the screenshot above, three locations are selected, so the button is updated to Assign (3).

  7. Once the Location has been assigned to the Frequency, you can then configure the pricing and NTE. Check the box next to the Location and click Edit (1). The Edit pop-up for the location will display.
    Editing a PM location
  8. Enter your desired configuration for the location.
    Overlay for editing a PM location
    • Quantity: Enter the number of work orders for each location, which is usually one. Be careful to not enter the price and NTE in this field.
    • Subtotal: Enter the agreed upon price or NTE amount for the service.
    • Tax: Enter the tax amount, if applicable. If you do not know the exact tax amount, you can make sure the NTE leaves room to cover the tax.
    • Tax2Type and Tax2: These fields can typically be left blank (mainly used for Canada).
    • CallerIDMatch: When IVR Restriction is set up, check this box to require the provider to only use that phone number to check in to the work order.
    • Assets (#): Lists the number of assets linked to the planned maintenance schedule.
    • Click Choose Assets, and select the asset(s) to associate with the PM service, then click Update Assets for Location. Learn more about Adding Assets to PM Services.
      Overlay for associating assets with a PM service
  9. Click Update Location.
    Overlay for editing a PM location

Your settings now appear in the Locations List for the location you just added. Also, maintenance items with assets will update services in the Assets module.