Assigning Locations to a PM Service Frequency in 2.0
Caroline Antoun
Once you have added a PM Service and set up corresponding Frequencies, assign Locations to the PM Service Frequencies and add in the NTE. You can do this individually or you can bulk assign locations to multiple frequencies, and bulk add NTE locations.
🌟 NEW! You can assign location(s) directly after creating a Frequency when you first set up a PM Service. Check it out! 🌟
By default, the system does not allow locations to be added to more than one frequency under each PM service.
If you want to assign the same location to multiple frequencies under the same PM service, contact your ServiceChannel manager.
Assigning Locations from the Overview Page
If a PM Service and Frequency have already been created, the easiest way to assign a location to a frequency is from the Overview Page.
On the Overview page, expand the PM services to view the Frequencies you need to assign locations to. You might be assigning locations to one or multiple frequencies at a time. Use the filters up top to help you quickly see the relevant PM services that have frequencies you need to assign to locations.
Check the box next to the Frequency/Frequencies you are assigning the Location to.
Click on Assign Location located above the table header.
The Assign Location window pops up with the list of Locations. The default state shows all open locations. Locations already assigned to this Frequency have a check mark next to the Location ID/Name. Use the filters to refine locations shown.
Check the box to select your desired Location(s) and click Save.
Watch out for any Training or Billing locations that you do not wish to assign PM services.
Once the Location has been assigned to the Frequency, you can then configure the pricing and NTE. Click on the blue number under the locations column.
Click on Edit on the line of the desired location to add pricing and NTE individually.
The Edit pop-up for the location will display.
Enter your desired configuration for the location.
Quantity: Enter the number of work orders for each location, which is usually one. Be careful to not enter the price and NTE in this field.
Subtotal: Enter the agreed upon price or NTE amount for the service.
Tax: Enter the tax amount, if applicable. If you do not know the exact tax amount, you can make sure the NTE leaves room to cover the tax.
CallerIDMatch: When IVR Restriction is set up, check this box to require the provider to only use that phone number to check in to the work order.
Merge Assets: When checked, a single work order is created for all the assets associated with that PM service at that location.
Added Assets: Lists the number of assets linked to the planned maintenance schedule.
Pencil icon: Click to add or remove an asset from this location for this PM Frequency. Learn more about Adding Assets to PM Services.
Click Save.
Assigning Locations during PM Service Set Up
While you are creating a new PM Service, and you continue to add a Frequency, you can also go straight to assigning Locations before you submit the frequency.
Click on Add Locations. The Assign Location window will pop up.
Filter by Region(s) and/or District(s) to view the desired locations. You can also search individually in the Search bard.
Select desired Location(s).
Click Submit.
orKeep that momentum going and click Add Assets to add assets from here too! See Adding Assets to a Location.
Bulk Assign Locations to Frequencies
Assign multiple Locations to multiple Frequencies at one time.
Select all desired Frequencies from the Overview page.
Click Assign Location at the top of the table and the Assign Location overlay pops up.
Select all desired Locations.
Click Save.
Bulk Edit Multiple Locations
If you need to edit Location details like NTE and the information is the same for multiple locations, you can bulk edit the locations, saving you a considerable amount of time. Say you've just added a Frequency and need to set up the NTE, rather than clicking into each location to set up, you can select locations that have the same NTE and add the NTE in one go.
Select all desired locations from the Locations window.
Click Edit at the top of the table.
Fill in the details in the Edit Multiple Locations window and click Save.
Next add assets to a Location with a PM Service.
Adding assets is now optional.