Adding Assets to a Location with a PM Service in 2.0

Adding Assets to a Location with a PM Service in 2.0

To track planned maintenance activities associated with your assets as well as their maintenance costs, you can link PM services to the corresponding appliances. In the new Planned Maintenance module, you are not required to add assets to a location; however, we find it best practice to add assets so you can track your data more effectively and help you stay more efficient.

A single PM work order can be associated with multiple assets of the same primary or additional trade. All the assets that you associate with that PM service will be listed on the work order, allowing you and your providers to capture part usage against each asset if required. It also speeds up the work order completion as technicians no longer need to close multiple PM work orders with individual assets on each. To boot, by using the multiple assets feature, you can cut down the overall flow of PM work orders.

Creating a separate WO for each asset or a single work order with multiple assets attached

🌟 New! You can assign assets directly after assigning location(s) when you first set up a PM Service. Check it out! 🌟

To be able to associate a single PM work order with multiple assets, contact your ServiceChannel Representative.

Sections of this Article:

When Can You Add Assets to a PM Frequency?

Elevator image

When there is an annual inspection of the elevators at your locations, you can associate your elevators with the corresponding Compliance PM service, which will result in PM work orders being generated with the assets linked.

Air conditioner image