Adding Assets to a Location with a PM Service in 2.0
Caroline Antoun
To track planned maintenance activities associated with your assets as well as their maintenance costs, you can link PM services to the corresponding appliances. In the new Planned Maintenance module, you are not required to add assets to a location; however, we find it best practice to add assets so you can track your data more effectively and help you stay more efficient.
A single PM work order can be associated with multiple assets of the same primary or additional trade. All the assets that you associate with that PM service will be listed on the work order, allowing you and your providers to capture part usage against each asset if required. It also speeds up the work order completion as technicians no longer need to close multiple PM work orders with individual assets on each. To boot, by using the multiple assets feature, you can cut down the overall flow of PM work orders.
🌟 New! You can assign assets directly after assigning location(s) when you first set up a PM Service. Check it out! 🌟
To be able to associate a single PM work order with multiple assets, contact your ServiceChannel Representative.
Sections of this Article:
When Can You Add Assets to a PM Frequency?
When there is an annual inspection of the elevators at your locations, you can associate your elevators with the corresponding Compliance PM service, which will result in PM work orders being generated with the assets linked.
Another example would be for those who have refrigeration and HVAC appliances containing refrigerants. Such assets must be regularly inspected to proactively identify potential problems and make sure your organization complies with refrigerant regulations in your region.
Let’s say you also have dishwashers that require annual maintenance services. Having dishwashers added as assets in Asset Manager, you can associate them with the corresponding PM service.
You can add assets to a planned maintenance frequency when the trade on the asset matches the trade on the PM service. Let’s say you have PM services for the HVAC trade. You can set up PM services to link them to available HVAC assets.
When setting up PMs with assets, it is important to note that:
- The trade of the asset type should match the PM service trade.
- Based on your business needs, the PM module can create a separate work order for each asset associated with the PM service or a single work order for all the assets at the location linked to the PM service.
- On the PM schedule, only the latest work order will appear.
Reading the Assets and Merge Assets Columns
When you view a list of locations assigned to the PM service and frequency combination, pay attention to the Assets and Merge Assets columns.
How Many Assets Are Linked?
The Assets column tells you how many assets at the PM location are associated with the PM service and frequency.
The column does not display the total number of assets at the location — only assets added to the PM service are counted.
Click Edit to add or remove assets.
Multiple Work Orders or a Single Work Order?
The Merge Assets column indicates whether the assets selected for this PM service should be listed on a single PM work order (Merged) or should be associated with separate work orders (No).
When you merge assets, it speeds up the work order completion time as technicians no longer need to close multiple PM work orders with individual assets on each.
To select or remove the flag, open the overlay for editing the location.
Adding Assets from the Frequency Page
When the frequency has already been created and locations have been assigned, you will add assets from the Frequency page.
- Find the desired PM service, and click on the arrow to the left of the service to expand to the Frequencies list view.
Look for the desired frequency, and click on the blue number in the Locations column.
- In the Assets column, check how many assets at each location are associated with the PM service.
- Next to the desired location, click on Edit and the Edit Location overlay will pop up.
- Click on the pencil after Added Assets and the Edit Added Assets overlay will pop up.
Pick the assets you need to associate with your PM service.
You can also remove the assets that should no longer be assigned to this PM service — by clearing the checkbox next to them.
The list contains active assets that exist at the selected location and whose primary or additional trades match the trade of the PM service.
Once you have selected the required assets, click Save.
Then in the Edit Location overlay, you can choose to merge assets by selecting the Merge Assets checkbox.
- When the Merge Assets checkbox is empty, the PM module creates a separate work order for each asset that you associated with the PM service for a location.
- When the Merge Assets checkbox is checked, a single work order is created for all the assets associated with that PM service at that location.
Contact your ServiceChannel Representative to turn the Merge Assets feature on.
- Provide any other information in the overlay if required, and click Save.
Adding Assets during PM Service Creation
While you are creating your PM Service, you have the option to complete the entire PM Life Cycle in one go or stop at each step of the way. If you created your PM Service, added a Frequency, assigned locations, you can also choose to add assets at the same time.
- Click Add Assets button.
- Filter for the desired Assets by Location or Asset Type (if necessary).
- Select associated Assets.
- Click Submit.
Viewing Assets Associated with a PM Service
On the list of locations associated with the PM service and frequency combination, you can see how many assets at each location are linked to that PM service.
- Click on the blue number in the location column of the desired frequency to open the Locations page.
- Find the location you are looking for and click on Edit in the Actions column on the far right.
- In the Edit Location overlay, the list of assets linked to the PM service at the location appears.