Creating a Line Item Invoice with Negative Amounts

Creating a Line Item Invoice with Negative Amounts

Line Item Invoice allows you to itemize the charges to view the detailed information on them.

⦿ How to Create a Line Item Invoice with Negative Amounts
  1. On the desired work order, click Create Invoice.
  2. Enter a unique Invoice Number.

  3. (Optional) Click the calendar icon to change the invoice date.

    The invoice date cannot be earlier than the work order completion date.

  4. Click Confirm.

  5. Select the correct Remit To address.
  6. Enter a complete description of the work done.
  7. Depending on your configuration, itemize the labor, travel, material, or other charges. The costs you need to break down appear as links in the Summary tab. Switch between the tabs below to check how to break down each type of cost.

  8.  Enter the Tax, either the percentage or the monetary amount, if applicable.

  9. Click Send Invoice

    Success! You have created a Line Item Invoice with negative amounts. The Invoices List appears.

The total invoice amount may be negative. In this case, you technically pay it as the usual invoice, but neither money nor fees will be charged from your balance. Read Marking Invoices as Paid.