Adding an Asset Type

Asset Types

In Asset Manager, you can create, edit, rename, deactivate, delete, select attributes for, and select the trades that will service your various asset types.

The first step in the process of adding an asset type is to name the asset type. Once you have named the asset type, you have the options of selecting a standard set of attributes, creating custom attributes or to use inherited attributes from an established asset type. Using the inherited option saves time when the attributes associated with another asset type captures all of the information used by your company when tracking, managing and making decisions.

To help normalize and maintain asset types, two different asset types can be merged into one asset type. Once an asset type has been added, it can be dragged and dropped into an Asset Category and become available during work order creation.

To be able to create and manage asset types, you should have the ManageAssetTypes permission set to Full for your user role in Asset Manager. Learn more about user roles and permissions within Asset Manager.

⦿  How to Add an Asset Type
  1. Click +Add Asset Type link to open the modal
    Asset Type Creation Modal
  2. Create an Asset Type name by typing in a name then click the create link
  3. Optional: Use the drop-down to select a current asset type to inherit its attributes
  4. Use the drop-down arrow to select Primary Trade
  5. Optional: Use the drop-down arrow to add additional trades
  6. Use the drop-down arrow to select a Brand
  7. Click the Save button to add asset type
    Asset Type Creation Modal

You can add assets at any time, modify the values of their attributes, remove them from your database, run reports on them, and view their repair history.

ServiceChannel provides a comprehensive list of standard attributes that you can select from. 

Standard Attributes

The attributes are customizable, giving you further control over the information you capture for each of your asset types.

Custom Attributes

Custom attributes are especially helpful when setting up an asset type that is a component of a larger asset. For example, many restaurants have an asset type for their refrigerators and a separate asset type for the compressors for their refrigerators. Although the compressor is a component of the refrigerator, it is frequently the compressor that needs replacement, not the entire refrigerator. Custom attributes also give you the flexibility to add attributes that are meaningful to how your company manages, tracks, and analyzes your assets.

When adding custom attributes, the attribute name must be unique. Users will not be able to duplicate an attribute name used under Standard Attributes or Custom Attributes.

⦿  How to Add a Custom Attribute When Creating a New Asset Type
  1. Under Standard Attributes and Meter list, locate Custom Attributes
  2. Click Add Custom Attribute link to create an attribute
  3. Add the following information
    1. Name
    2. Type
  4. Optional: Click the checkbox if a Default Value is needed
  5. Click the blue check icon under Actions to complete the process
  6. Optional: Click the following checkboxes for the Custom Attribute:
    1. View
    2. Edit
    3. Required

You can edit and delete a Custom Attribute under Actions

To add a custom attribute to an existing asset type, navigate to that asset type, locate Custom Attributes then follow the steps.