Managing Planned Maintenance Locations

Managing Planned Maintenance Locations

You can view a list of locations that can be assigned Planned Maintenance Services by navigating to the Planned Maintenance module > PM Locations. The PM Locations page displays all locations set up in Service Automation, including the following location information:

  • Location ID and name
  • Region and district
  • City and state
  • Open and close dates

Click a location to view the PM services assigned to that location.

PM locations list

In the Services view for a location, you can see information for that location at the top of the page. Click the arrow next to the location ID to expand the location details section.

Location details

The page also contains the Services List where you can view which PM services have been assigned and their details at the bottom of the page.

You can edit the PM Services and modify Frequencies from this view by clicking the links in the Actions column on the right.

PM Services created for the location

View the Services Agenda for a Location

You can view the agenda of the upcoming PM Services for the location by clicking the calendar icon beneath the location information at the top of the page.

Clicking the calendar icon to view the services agenda for a location

Add a PO Number to a Planned Maintenance Service

A Purchase Order (PO) number is associated with Trade, Category, Location, and Provider Name. By adding a PO number to a location in a Planned Maintenance service, it will automatically assign that PO number to all PM work orders within that service.

⦿ How to Add a PO Number to a Planned Maintenance Schedule
  1. Navigate to the Planned Maintenance module > PM Services.
    PM services list
  2. For the desired PM Service, click Frequencies (#) in the Actions column. The Frequency List for the selected PM Service will display.
  3. Click Locations (#) in the Actions column for the required Frequency.
    List of PM frequencies created for the PM service
    The Locations page for the PM Service and Frequency will display.
  4. Under Locations List, click the location you want to add the PO number to.
    PM locations list

    To add a PO number to several locations at once, select the checkboxes next to the required locations, and click the Edit (#) button.

    The Edit Location # pop-up appears.

  5. Add the PO number in the Edit Location # overlay.
    Adding a PO number to the PM service
  6. Click Update Location. The PO number will show up for the desired location.
    PO number added to the PM location and service

Quickly Assign a PM Service & Frequency to a Location

Please review the detailed instructions for Adding Locations to Planned Maintenance Services.

Alternatively, you can quickly assign a PM service to a location from the PM Locations page.

⦿ How to Quickly Assign a PM Service and Frequency to a Location
  1. Select the required location from the PM Locations list, and then activate the checkbox in the Assigned column next to the service.
    Assigned column that allows you to quickly assign a PM service to a location
    1. If no frequencies exist for the service, the Add New Frequency overlay will appear where you can create a frequency.
      Overlay for adding a new frequency
    2. If frequencies for the selected PM Service exist, you will be able to select the required one from the Frequency List for that PM Service. Please see Adding Frequencies to Planned Maintenance Service for more information.
  2. Next to the frequency you want to assign, select the checkbox in the Assigned column.
    Selecting the Assigned checkbox next to the frequency you want to assign to the PM location and service combo

The new PM service and frequency combo has been assigned to a location.

If a frequency is already assigned to a location and you would like to change it, the best practice is to always check the box in the Assigned column for the new frequency for the location first. This is important so that all the pricing/NTEs and tax information will be moved along with it. If you uncheck the old frequency first, you will lose all pricing/NTE and tax information associated with it.

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