Recording Refrigerant Usage for Multiple Assets on a Single PM Work Order

Recording Refrigerant Usage for Multiple Assets on a Single PM Work Order

On a Planned Maintenance work order created with multiple refrigerated or HVAC assets linked to it, you have the ability to record refrigerant usage for each of those assets. 

Learn more about Adding Assets to PM Services.

To start using the feature, please contact your Customer Success Manager.

⦿ How to Record Refrigerant Usage for Multiple Assets on a PM Work Order
  1. Find the required work order, and click Edit Work Order.
    Accessing the overlay for editing the PM work order

    The overlay for editing the work order opens.

  2. Next to Refrigerant used, select the Yes radio button.Adding refrigerant use information from the overlay for editing the WO
  3. Click the blue plus + icon next to the asset(s) you want to capture refrigerant use against.
    Selecting the assets to record refrigerant use for

    As you click the plus icon to the right of the asset, the asset gets added to the box below.

    Asset is selected, and now you can specify the part used for this asset
  4. Click Next to proceed.
  5. Provide the following information on the refrigerant used:

    • Inventory source location
    • Part number
    • Inventory location
    • Part description
    • Quantity added
    • Date used
    • Use reason

    Overlay for recording the part use information

  6. To add another part to this asset, scroll down, and click Add Another Part.
    If no other parts should be added, click Continue.Buttons that allow you to add more parts to an asset

  7. If the quantity used meets or exceeds the threshold, complete the leak record.
    Completing the leak recordOnce the leak record is completed, scroll down, and click Continue. The leak record status updates to Completed.
    Once completed, the leak record moves to the Completed status
  8. You can now add parts to other assets linked to your work order. Follow steps 3–7.
  9. When all the parts are added, click Review in the lower-right corner. In the overlay that appears, you can view part usage information you have just captured for your assets. Click the record to view details.Reviewing the part use captured against an asset
  10. Click Close in the upper-right corner to exit the overlay.

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