Managing Provider Performance Reviews

Regular provider performance reviews are essential for maintaining high standards, fostering collaboration between you and your providers. On the Compliance Overview page, you can set up quarterly (90 days) provider performance reviews. 

 Depending on the company’s user roles, you and your employees have different possibilities in terms of the provider review: 

  • Users with the Data Writer role can track statuses and manage provider reviews.  
  • Users with the Data Reader role can only track provider review statuses on the Compliance Table. 

    To check user roles, open Compliance Manager > Settings > Company > Users > Roles. Learn more information about users and their roles in the Company Settings – Managing Users and Roles. 

The Provider Review column is added by default to the Compliance Table. If it is not seen, ensure you have checked the Provider Review box on the Column Selector and that you scrolled the table to the right side 

Picture showing the column selector

Conducting Provider Performance Reviews 

With provider performance reviews, you can track provider performance reviews individually for each provider or in bulk, make notes, and view the notes history of previous meetings 

By default, the suggested review date will be different for your providers depending on the date the provider was accepted to your Private Network. You can edit it by changing the provider review status. 

The performance review can be seen in one of the following statuses: 

Due for Review Status 

The status means it is time to conduct a performance review with the provider. It is shown for 30 days in a row every 90 days. Depending on the action taken while the status is active, the review date will be calculated in the following way: 

  • If no action has been done while this status is active (30 days), this status will automatically be skipped. The next start of Due for Review status is calculated as 90 days after the Skip date. 
  • If the Done action is taken, the review status becomes Next Review is On (Date) Status. The next start of Due for Review status is calculated as 90 days after the Done date. 
  • If the Skip action is taken manually, the review status becomes Next Review is On (Date) Status. The next start of Due for Review status is calculated as 90 days after the Skip date. 
  • If the Ignore action is taken, the review status becomes No Planned Date Status. To reactivate the next review planning, the Done or Skip actions must be taken. 
Next Review is On (Date) Status The status indicates the suggested date for the upcoming performance review. The date is calculated as 90 days from the last review date.  
No Planned Review Status 

The status appears after the Ignore action is taken on the performance review for the selected provider meaning no future reviews planned. 

  • To change the No Planned Review status and set up the schedule, click View History > Done/Skip. 
N/A Status The status means that the provider is not yet in the Private Network and the performance review is not available for these providers. Complete the invitation process to start performance review. 
⦿ How to Manage Performance Reviews for a Single Provider
  1. On the needed provider row of the Compliance Table, depending on the status, click one of the following: 
    • Next Review is on (Date) - View History 
    • Due for Review – Review 
    • No Planned Review – View History 
      The Provider Performance Review pop-up window appears. 

      Drag the Provider Review column and drop it in the place you need. For example, from the end of the table to its beginning. 

  2. In the Select Updated Status drop-down list, select one of the statuses of the last review. Depending on the selected status, the next review date or its absence will be applied.

  3. (Optional) Should you select the Done status, specify the date of the recent provider review.

    The possible date to select is 30 days in the past from the current date. 

    Click the View Contractor Scorecard link to better prepare for the upcoming reviews, make notes of the current KPIs and scores states, and other indicators that help you to conduct reviews.  

    Only users with the analytics license can be directed to the Contractor Scorecard. 

  4. In the Notes section, enter the comments about the last review, for example, the previous meeting details, the upcoming review ideas, meeting skip or ignore reasons. 
  5. Click Save.

  6. (Optional)To view previous actions taken, click PROVIDER REVIEW HISTORY.

Should you want to cancel reviews for the selected provider, click Ignore. 

⦿ How to Manage Performance Reviews for Providers in Bulk
  1. On the Compliance Table, select the checkboxes next to the providers you would like to manage performance reviews for and click Actions > Provider Review.


    To find needed providers faster, click the Provider Review filter and select the needed provider review status or sort providers by clicking the Provider Review column.  

    When you clicked on the provider Review Column, your providers will be sorted in the following order: 

    • Due for Review 
    • Next Review is on 
    • No Planned Review 
    • N/A 

  2. In the Select Updated Status drop-down menu, select one of the statuses of the last review. Depending on the selected status, the next review date or its absence will be applied.

  3. (Optional) Should you select the Done status, specify the date of the recent reviews with selected providers.


    When managing provider reviews for several providers at once, the View Contractor Scorecard link is unavailable. Select only one provider should you want to view their scorecard. 

  4. In the Notes section, enter the comments about last reviews, for example, the previous meeting details, the upcoming review ideas, meeting skip or ignore reasons.

  5. Click Save. 

Should you want to cancel reviews for the selected providers, click Ignore and reviews will not be set up until you manually change the provider review status. 

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