Dashboard Settings

Dashboard Settings

You can control the Asset Dashboard Summary page with General and Asset Rules under Dashboard Settings. General controls the display number of active locations tracking assets and the average number of assets per location. Asset rules controls PM work orders that are generated for Asset Inventory. This includes:

  1. Priority
  2. Category
  3. Status
  4. Trade

Asset Dashboard Setting

When creating and scheduling an Asset Inventory, there is the option of deciding whether to auto dispatch the work order with the checkbox. 

⦿ How to Add General Display on the Asset Dashboard Summary
  1. Add a numerical number in the Number of Locations textbox
  2. Add a numerical number in the Average Number of Assets per Location textbox
  3. Click the Save button to finalize

It is recommended not exceed 999 for Number of Locations and Average Number of Assets per Location. 

⦿ How to Setup Asset Inventory on the Asset Dashboard Summary
  1. Use the drop-down arrow to select a Priority
  2. Use the drop-down arrow to select a Category
  3. Use the drop-down arrow to select a Full-Status
  4. Use the drop-down to select a Trade
  5. Optional: Check the box to have the work order Auto Dispatch.

When assigning an Asset Inventory, it is based on trade rankings in the Location & Provider Assignments Module.