Refrigerant Tracking Dashboard

Refrigerant Tracking Dashboard

In addition to furnishing you and your providers with the right tools to capture and track refrigerant usage for your appliances, ServiceChannel aggregates most crucial data about refrigerated equipment and refrigerant usage in the Refrigerant Tracking Dashboard.

Identifying Anomalies

Exploring data visualizations in the Refrigerant Tracking Dashboard helps you identify anomalies that should be addressed for you to stay compliant with refrigerant tracking requirements.


Among such anomalies, there could be:

 A high corporate leak rate

 Leaks that have been open for 30 or more days

 Locations where refrigerated and HVAC appliances use a record quantity of refrigerant as opposed to other locations

 An increasing number of chronically leaking appliances

 A high leak rate for certain types of assets

Check the below image to see which tiles (highlighted in orange ) help you pinpoint the mentioned anomalies.

Refrigerant Tracking Dashboard with the tiles showing critical data highlighted in orange

Available Visualizations

All the visualizations in the Refrigerant Tracking Dashboard are grouped in the following way:

Tiles with Operational Metrics

Tiles with operational metrics

  • Total Usage: Total quantity of refrigerant that has been used in refrigerated and HVAC appliances across your locations. Clicking the number pulls all refrigerant part use records.
  • Total Charge: Total charge amount of refrigerant contained in all the refrigerated and HVAC appliances that are currently in use across your locations. Clicking the number pulls the list of refrigerated and HVAC assets with the total charge of each.
  • Total Corporate Leak Rate: Total quantity of refrigerant that has been used across the entire company divided by the current total charge of all refrigerated assets for all locations, multiplying the result of that division by 100%. In other words, the Total Usage divided by the Total Charge and the result of this division multiplied by 100%.Formula for calculating the total corporate leak rate
 Click the link to view how the asset type leak rate and the asset leak rate are calculated in Analytics.

Formula for calculating the total asset type leak rateFormula for calculating the total asset leak rate

  • Number of Closed Leak Events: Total number of completed leak records across your locations.
  • Number of Open Leak Events: Total number of open leak records across your locations.
  • Number of Leak Events Open Between 7 and 30 Days: Total number of leak events that have been in the Open status for more than 7 and less than 30 days.
  • Number of Open Leak Events > 30 Days : Total number of leak events that have been in the Open status for 30 or more days.

By default, all of the metrics show you data for the whole period. Use the filter in the upper-left corner to adjust the date range.

To drill into the underlying data, click the number for the desired operational metric.

Drilling into the underlying data

Usage by Refrigerant Type

Those of your refrigerant types that are used more frequently than others across different locations will appear in this visualization. 

Each bar on the chart represents a refrigerant type. By default, the visualization shows you data for the whole period. Use the filter in the upper-left corner to adjust the date range.

Bar chart showing the total usage of each refrigerant type

To drill into the underlying data and see all the part usage for a specific refrigerant type, click the desired bar on the bar chart.

Top 4 Locations by Usage

You can see four of your locations with the highest quantities of refrigerant gas used over the specified period of time. By default, this visualization shows you data for the whole period. Use the filter in the upper-left corner to adjust the date range.

Bar chart showing top 4 locations that use most of refrigerants

To drill into the underlying data and see all part usage records for a specific location, click the desired bar on the chart.

Chronic Leaking Assets by Asset Type

The following set of pie charts tells you about chronically leaking appliances, namely about the types of assets that are considered chronic leakers. Each slice on the pie charts depicts an asset type. The number next to the asset type represents the number of leaking assets of this asset type.

Refrigerated and HVAC assets that leak 125% or more pounds of the total system charge in a calendar year require special attention since the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) requires companies to report on chronically leaking assets annually. Read more about Reporting on Chronically Leaking Assets.

Pay attention to those of your appliances that leak 125% or more of the total system charge in a year as they fall under the purview of EPA regulations.

Set of pie charts showing chronically leaking assets

To drill into the underlying data and view leak rates for assets of a specific asset type, click the desired slice in the pie chart.

Clicking the slice to drill into the underlying data

Leak Rate by Asset Type

This bar chart shows asset types that have the highest leak rates.

Bar chart showing leak rate by asset type

To drill into the underlying data and view leak rates for each asset under the desired asset type, click the corresponding bar in the bar chart.

Total GWP and CO2 Impact

The primary focus of this report is on the total CO2 equivalent of each refrigerant type used across your locations.

You can also see the COequivalent for each asset where the refrigerant was used.

Note that the report shows data only on condition that you have specified Global Warming Potential (GWP) equivalents for your refrigerants in Service Automation. They are used to calculate the CO2 equivalents of your refrigerants, ensuring you know how much carbon dioxide is released to the atmosphere.

Table showing GWP equivalents and values of each refrigerant type as well as their CO2 equivalents

To export report data or send the report via email, please read Downloading and Sending Dashboards and Reports.

Drilling into the Underlying Data

To take a dive into the underlying data, you need to click one of the following metrics or charts based on the type of visualization.


Clicking the number in the metric to view detailed informationClick the number in the metric.

Bar in the bar chart

Clicking the bar in the chart to view detailed information

Click the bar in the chart.

Slice in the pie chart

Clicking the slice in the pie chart to view detailed information

Click the slice in the pie chart.

Filtering Refrigerant Tracking Data

To make the dashboard display the data you are interested in, play around with the filters.

Filtering options in the Refrigerant Tracking Dashboard

You can filter the reports by:

  • Location Number
  • Asset Type
  • Asset Tag ID
  • Refrigerant Type
  • Date Range
  • GWP Refrigerant Name
  • GWP Common Name
  • GWP Is High

Set the filtering criteria as needed, and click Update in the upper-right corner. As soon as you apply any of these filters, all the dashboard tiles will update to reflect the data corresponding to the specified criteria.

Find more information in Filtering an Analytics Dashboard.

Should you need to export report data or send the report via email, please read Downloading and Sending Dashboards and Reports.

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