Viewing the Search Results Page

Search Results Page

Once you have performed a search for providers in Provider Search, you land on the Search Results page displaying a list of providers who fit your search criteria.   

On the Search Results page, you can: 

The provider list is arranged to show Top Choice providers first based on the relevance and performance factors for the specific criteria you entered. Providers with lower scores related to your criteria appear further down the list. 

Reviewing a Provider Card 

Each card reflects the following relevant information about a provider: 

  1. Company name.
  2. Provider Search Badges help you choose a suitable provider based on their performance and relevance to your needs.

    Hover over the badge to view its description and click View More to see additional information about all possible badges 

  3. The first and second-ranked providers will have the Top Choice badge in the upper right corner of the provider’s info. All other providers will not have the badge. 
  4. The basic company information includes: 
    • CoverageThe geographical level where the provider operates, such as local, regional, multi-regional, or national. 
    • SC ClientsThe number of clients on the platform this provider works with.
    • IndustriesThis data shows the provider’s experience across industries based on the ServiceChannel work order volume.  
      For example, 100% of work orders are in the Restaurant industry, or 30% Restaurant / 50% Retail / 20% Banking.
    • TradesThe complete list of trades the provider covers, as reported when they created a ServiceChannel account.
  5. The Compare checkbox helps you to compare up to 5 providers to choose the best one.

     Click View more details to see additional information about the provider on their provider profile page. 

  6. Performance Scores Percentiles represents provider’s performance across different metrics (Speed, Quality, Price, and Engagement) and gives a quick, clear overview of how the provider performs compared to others.

    The speed, quality, and engagement scores are compared across all providers based on the applied filters 

     The price score is calculated based on the trade and CBSA (Core-Based Statistical Area) level. 

    For more details on the scores, click View More Details or anywhere on the card to access the provider’s full profile. 

    The color-coded bars give a visual indication of performance: 

    • Red indicates the below average performance when compared to other providers in the platform. 
    • Yellow indicates average performance. 
    • Green indicates above-average performance suggesting that the provider is performing at a higher level than most.

      To understand what each score consists of hover over the icon next to the score name. 

  7. Message button used to communicate directly with the provider.

    When there is no Message button, it means the provider is not available to chat.

  8. The Invite button used to invite the provider to your Network.

To return the Provider Search starting page, click Back to Search in the upper-left corner of the Search Results page.