Inviting Internal Technicians

Inviting Internal Technicians

During the implementation process, your ServiceChannel representative assigns the initial batch of internal technicians. Going forward, you may add additional internal technicians to the list. As your internal tech group is considered a “service provider,” you need to add these new technicians through Provider Automation.

User Management section where you can manage your internal techs

Adding a New Technician

⦿ How to Add a User and Send a User Invitation
  1. Log in to Provider Automation.
  2. Click the hamburger menu in the upper-left corner, and select Administration > User Management.
  3. Click the Invite User button.

    Invite User page appears.
  4. Under the Basic column, enter the required information. (The required items are marked with an asterisk * in the list below the screenshot.)

    1. First Name*
    2. Middle Name
    3. Last Name*
    4. Email*

      Each user must have a valid email to be added to your company.

    5. Mobile Phone number

  5. Under the Access column, select the Technician from the User Role dropdown. The Technician access level (the Technician checkbox) gets automatically activated once you pick the Technician user role.

    • The Technician role signifies an employee responsible for accessing and completing work orders. 
    • All users assigned the Technician role automatically appear under Work Order Assignment where you can assign work orders to them
    • Users with this role can then access FTM work orders through the ServiceChannel Provider Mobile app.
    • Depending on your account configuration, you may have three levels of technicians: Technician, Supervising Tech, and Regional Manager. Learn more about Assigning User Roles and Permissions.
  6. Click Invite. Invited users are added to your internal technician group and are automatically sent an email to complete their profile. Below is the screenshot showing an example of the invitation email your tech will receive.

  7. On the User Management page, select the Invited radio button to view all users invited to your internal technician group.