Adding Technicians to Use ServiceChannel Provider Mobile

Adding Technicians to Use ServiceChannel Provider Mobile

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Adding technicians to your Provider Automation account is beneficial because:

  1. You can assign work orders in Provider Automation and drill down to see which technicians are dispatched to which work orders, without the need for external software.
  2. Your clients are aware of not only when your technicians are scheduled to arrive onsite, but exactly who is expected to arrive.

In Provider Automation, you can invite technicians under User Management.

Adding Technicians

⦿ How to Add a Technician and Send an Invitation
  1. On the top-left corner of the page, click the menu icon  and then Administration > User Management.
  2. Click the Invite User button, located on the upper-left. The Invite User page appears.
  3. Under the Basic column, enter the technician's Name, Email, and Mobile phone number

    Each technician must have a valid email to be added to your company.

    1. (Optional) Click Choose next to the image placeholder to add the technician's photo. 

      Technicians can also add their own photo in the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app.

  4. Under the Access column:
    1. select Technician in the User Role drop-down menu.
  5. On the bottom of the page, click Invite.

  6. In the popup box, click Confirm. Your technician is invited, and is automatically sent an email to complete the profile in the ServiceChannel Provider Mobile app.
  7. Repeat steps 2-5 to invite more technicians.

To view the list of invited technicians, see Managing Invited Technicians, below.

Should you inadvertently re-invite the same user or attempt to assign the same email address to more than one user, Provider Automation will display an Error Message, informing you of the duplication.

Single User Upload View

Managing Invited Technicians

On the User Management page, click the Invited circle to view all users invited to your company.

From here you can

  • reinvite a technician who did not receive (or accidentally deleted) the email invitation,
  • deactivate a user; and
  • email a technician.
⦿ How to Manage Invited Technicians
  1. In the Invited section of User Management, check the box next to the technician.
  2. Under Actions located on the lower-right side of the page, select the appropriate action:
    1. Select Reinvite to resend an invitation.
    2. Select Deactivate to lock the user out of using ServiceChannel Provider mobile app.
    3. Select Email to correspond with your user.
  3. Click Submit.
    1. Reinvite and Email will send an email to the user.
    2. Deactivate will ask you to confirm. Click Confirm. The user is moved to the Inactive list.

Adding Additional Users

In User Management, you can add just about everyone in your organization: accountants and financial operations, technician managers and dispatchers, and other service operations. Please see Adding and Modifying Users for more information.

Adding Users to User Management via Template

When there is a need to add multiple users at once to User Management, the task can be acheived by using the Bulk Invite Users process.  The Bulk Invite Users process captures user’s names, email addresses, cell phone numbers and roles and then sends them an email invitation to set up their accounts in User Management. Administrators will be able to view who has responded to the invitation and who has not responded. Once users have been invited, they can use either their mobile device or desktop computer to follow the on-screen instructions received in the invitation email to complete their account registration.

⦿ How to Add Users in Bulk to User Management
  1. Click the Bulk Invite Users button in User Management.
  2. Click the Download Template button, then open the downloaded file.

  3. Complete the template, then save it as an .xlsx formatted file.
  4. Back in Provider Automation, click the Upload Document button, then locate and upload the template completed in step #3.

  5. Review the user information, and if correct click Submit. If any of the information is incorrect, you can correct it here, then click Submit. 

    Should you inadvertently re-invite the same user or attempt to assign the same email address to more than one user, Provider Automation will display an Error Message, informing you of the duplication.

    Multi-User Upload View

  6. The invitations will be sent to the users.

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