Logging In With a Technician Account

Logging In With a Technician Account

Users who are granted the Technician user role in Provider Automation can use their technician account to sign in to the ServiceChannel Provider Mobile app.


Only users assigned the Technician role in Provider Automation will have the technician user experience in ServiceChannel Provider Mobile. Users who are not assigned the Technician role will have limited access within SC Provider Mobile.

See Adding and Modifying Users and Assigning User Roles for more information.

Logging In

When you log in with a technician account, you should use the user ID and password that you've set while creating your ServiceChannel account. If your company has the single sign-on (SSO) service configured, you can use your SSO ID to log in.

EU Customers

If you are in the EU, you must change the ServiceChannel Instance or you will not be able to log in. At the bottom of the app, tap on the ServiceChannel Instance banner and select Europe.

⦿ How to Log in to SC Provider with an Email
  1. Open the SC Provider mobile app.
  2. On the login screen, enter your user ID and password to the text fields.
    Logging in to SC Provider with an email and password
  3. Tap LoginThe WOs list appears.

You can sign in via the single sign-on (SSO) system if this option is configured for your company.

⦿ How to Log in to SC Provider via SSO
  1. Launch the SC Provider mobile app.
  2. Tap SSO, enter your SSO ID, and then tap Login.
    Logging in to SC Provider via single sign-on (SSO)
    You will be redirected to your organization’s sign-in page.
  3. Log in to your organization’s network by providing your username and password.

    Signing in to your organization's corporate system

Once authenticated, you will automatically get to the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app. The WOs list appears.

Forgetting Your Password

Should you forget your password, we can help by sending you an email with password reset instructions.

⦿ How to Retrieve a Forgotten Password
  1. Tap Forgot Password? on the home screen. The Forgot Password window pops up.
  2. Enter the email address associated with your ServiceChannel account.
    Retrieving a forgotten password
  3. Tap OK to complete the request. An email with a password reset link is sent to the email address you’ve provided.
  4. Open your email box, find the password reset email from ServiceChannel, and follow the instructions to retrieve your password.

After you’ve retrieved your password, you can sign in to SC Provider.