Logging in to SC Mobile

Logging in to SC Mobile

Depending on your configuration, you may log in to the ServiceChannel Mobile app with a username/password combinationthrough the single sign-on (SSO) service, or using a mobile access code.

Logging in with a Username

You can log in to the ServiceChannel Mobile app with your username and password.

⦿ How to Log in to SC Mobile with a Username
  1. Open the ServiceChannel Mobile app.
  2. On the User ID tab, enter your user ID and password in the input fields.
    Signing in to SC Mobile with a username and password
  3. Tap Login. You will get to the home screen of the application.
    The home screen of SC Mobile

Logging in via SSO

If the single sign-on (SSO) system is configured for your company, you can log in via SSO.

⦿ How to Log in to SC Mobile via SSO
  1. Launch the ServiceChannel Mobile app, and switch to the SSO tab.
  2. Enter your SSO ID, and tap Login.
    Signing in to SC Mobile via single sign-on (SSO)You will be redirected to your organization’s sign-in page.
  3. Log in to your organization’s network by providing your username and password.

    Signing in to your organization's corporate system

    Once authenticated, you will automatically get to the home screen of the ServiceChannel Mobile app.

Logging in Using a Mobile Access Code

You can log in to the ServiceChannel Mobile app via our mobile access code system. The system is designed especially for those clients who have the web single sign-on setup with ServiceChannel.

Whether or not you can generate a mobile access code depends on your company account settings. Check with your admin first to find out if you can take advantage of mobile access codes.

Generating a Mobile Access Code

Your admin specifies what type of employees can use mobile access codes to sign in to the ServiceChannel Mobile app:

  • All users (both corporate and dashboard users)
  • All users excluding dashboard users
  • No users

Find more info on mobile access code settings in Configuring Mobile Apps Settings.

⦿ How to Generate a Mobile Access Code
  1. a) As a corporate user

    Log in to Service Automation, click your company name in the upper-right corner, and hit Mobile Access Code. A new browser tab opens.Menu section for generating a mobile access code in Service Automation
    b) As a dashboard user

    Log in to your dashboard, and click Mobile Access Code in the hamburger menu. The page for generating access codes opens.
    Menu section for generating a mobile access code via dashboard
  2. In the Mobile Access Code overlay, click Generate Access Code. The code appears in the overlay.
    Overlay where you can generate a mobile access code
  3. Use the generated code to log in to the ServiceChannel Mobile app.
    Generated mobile code you can use to log into SC Mobile

Logging in to SC Mobile Using a Mobile Access Code

Now that you have your access code, you can sign in to the ServiceChannel Mobile app using this code.

⦿ How to Log into SC Mobile Using a Mobile Access Code
  1. Launch the ServiceChannel Mobile app, and switch to the SSO tab.
  2. Enter your access code in the input field, and tap Login.
    Signing in to SC Mobile with a mobile access code

You are signed in and can get down to work. This code is only good for 3 hours. If you log out of the app anytime after 3 hours, you will need to generate the code again.

Disabling a Mobile Access Code

You can disable the mobile access code for one connected device or all devices at once. To do that, you need to go back to Service Automation or your dashboard — based on whether you are a corporate or dashboard user.

⦿ How to Disable a Mobile Access Code
  1. a) As a corporate user

    Click your company name in the upper-right corner of Service Automation, and hit Mobile Access Code. A new browser tab opens.

    b) As a dashboard user

    Log in to your dashboard, and click Mobile Access Code in the hamburger menu. The page with the active access code opens.

  2. In the Mobile Access Code overlay, select whether you want to disable the mobile access code for a single device or all devices.

    • Single device. Click Remove Access to the right of the device for which you want to disable the mobile access code. The device gets unlinked, but the code remains active. You or your colleagues can still use it to access the ServiceChannel Mobile app using a mobile access code.
    • All devices. Hit Remove All Mobile Access to remove the mobile access code for all devices. No one can use this code anymore. Next time you want to log in via SSO, you need to generate a new code. See How to Generate a Mobile Access Code.
      Overlay where you can disable the generated mobile access code for devices
  3. When finished, close the overlay.