Filtering and Sorting WOs
Anastasiya Selivanava (Deactivated)
Anastasiya Dashuk (Unlicensed)
Natalia Larina (Unlicensed)
Anastasia Troichuk (Unlicensed)
The work orders list permits you to filter and sort all work orders that you have. For these purposes, you can use the Filter and Sort tabs.
Filtering Work Orders
To display work orders that match specific criteria, you can apply various filters on the WOs list. The app allows you to filter work orders by time period, location, priority, status, trade, and category.
- Tap the Filter tab on the WOs list. The filters panel opens.
Select the time period, in months, by moving the slider to the left or to the right.
The slider defaults to 3 months, which means that the app is searching for work orders created over the past 3 months.
- Select one or several locations. To view work orders for all available locations, hit the checkbox to the right of the search field on the area for choosing a location. Tap Done.
- Select a priority, status, trade, and category, if needed.
- Tap Apply to get the list of work orders that match the specified criteria.
Creating a New Filter
You can also create your filters and use them later. You can add as many filters as you need.
- Tap the Filter tab on the WOs list. The filter panel opens.
- Tap Add New Filter at the bottom of the panel. A new filter is added.
- Set up the filter the way you need.
- (Optional) Tap the pencil icon, enter the filter name, and hit the checkmark icon.
Tap Apply to get the list of work orders that match the specified criteria.
Should you want to remove a filter, tap the X icon.
Sorting Work Orders
You can sort work orders on the list by the following criteria:
Store # - Closest First
Priority - Highest First
Scheduled - Earliest First
Scheduled - Latest First
Call Date
- On the WOs list, tap Sort. The panel for sorting work orders appears.
- Select a criterion by which you want to sort your work orders. The list is sorted according to the selected option.