Entering a Leak Inspection

Entering a Leak Inspection

When refrigerant assets have a leak, you create a leak event for a single or multiple assets on a work order. This allows for constant updates on leak events which helps with maintaining accurate data and upkeep on the assets. Your external providers can also record leak events while performing services on the asset.

When leak inspection work orders are processed the user must acknowledge the compliance state that confirms completion of the work in accordance with your clients requirements.

leak detected question

⦿ How to Enter Leak Inspection for a Single or Multiple Assets on a Work Order in Service Automation
  1. Locate a work order from the list view and click Edit Work Order button to open the details
  2. Answer the leak and refrigeration question
    answer leak and refrigerant questions
  3. Select the technician for the work order
  4. Optional: Acknowledge the Compliance Statement
    acknowledging compliance statement

    When leak inspections are for Planned Maintenance work orders. 

  5. Confirm Asset
  6. Complete required leak details
    complete leak requirements
  7. Click Save Leak to save the leak details
  8. Optional: You can add additional leek events

Entering Refrigerant after Leak Inspection

refrigerant question

When answering yes to the refrigerant question below the leaked question, there is the ability to enter refrigerant after the leak details has been entered. This can be done for a single asset or multiple asset in conjunction with the leak event.

⦿ How to Add Refrigerant for a Single or Multiple Assets after a Leak Inspection in Service Automation
  1. Complete the leak inspection(s) for the work order
  2. Click the Add and/or Remove Part Usage button to open the modal
  3. Select the Inventory Source Location by clicking the radio button
  4. Complete the required refrigerant information
    Add refrigerant information

  5. Optional: Add an additional part used
  6. Click the Done button to finalize