Using SC Provider Mobile with Refrigerant Tracking Management

Using SC Provider Mobile with Refrigerant Tracking Management

ServiceChannel Provider, or SC Provider, is a mobile application that is used by external field technicians to receive, view, and record parts usage as well as to check into and out of work orders dispatched through Service Automation.

Setting Up SC Provider for Internal Technicians

SC Provider is available for both iOS and Android devices and can be downloaded from their respective app stores.

Keep the SC Provider mobile app updated. This ensures that any new functionality is available.

External technicians who will be using SC Provider to manage and process work orders must have an account established for them in User Management before they can be assigned work orders, or they can request an account by first downloading the SC Provider application and then requesting access.

Adding Technicians to SC Provider Mobile

⦿ How to Create a Technician Account for SC Provider Mobile
  1. Navigate to AdministrationUser Management.

  2. Click Invite User.

  3. Complete both the Basic and Access forms, and then click Invite.
    You will receive confirmation that the invitation has been successfully sent.

Each technician needs a ServiceChannel Provider account to receive and process work orders. Technicians are informed by email when they have been invited to set up an account. Each technician has to respond to the invitation by clicking Start Now in the invitation email that they receive. See Being Invited to Use SС Provider for a detailed instruction. 

Adding Certifications and/or Licenses in SC Provider Mobile

Technicians who are assigned to HVAC and/or refrigeration type work orders are required to provide their certification and/or licenses to verify their qualifications to service those work orders. Individual technicians whether they are a supervisor and/or helper must have their own certificates added into Provider Automation. This requires technicians having their own using username and password when logging into SC Provider Mobile to submit their certifications.

When technicians do not have their certifications and/or licenses added into Provider Automation, they will receive the notification about not having credentials and request them to be uploaded. Once the qualifications have been added, the modal question no longer appears. After a technician has their certificates uploaded, dispatch can assign a technician to a refrigerant and/or HVAC work order in Provider Automation.

Licensing Description

During the process of uploading certification and licenses, they are 4 types that are accepted. The following types are:

  1. Type I: Small appliances; including residential refrigerators, small commercial ice makers, or small window air conditioners
  2. Type II: High-pressure appliances; residential and commercial split air conditioning systems, or rooftop commercial package units
  3. Type III: Low-pressure appliances; including but not limited to chillers.
  4. Universal: Includes Types I, II, and III

Specific licenses need to be validated for work orders.

If a technician has multiple certifications or licenses, each one must be added individually.

⦿ How to Upload Certificate or License with SC Provider Mobile
  1. Click the My Account icon to enter your profile page
    SC Provider Mobile home screen

    A modal appears when logging into a work order directing you to the My Account page. 

    My Account modal message

  2. Under Certifications & Licenses, click the Add Certification link to open the page
  3. Add the required information:
    1. Trade: HVAC or Refrigeration
    2. Certification Number
    3. Certification Date
    4. Level
  4. Upload or take a photo of the front side of the certificate or license
    Add Certificate or License
  5. Click the Save link when finished

Using PIN to access HVAC or Refrigeration Work Orders

When accessing HVAC and/or refrigeration work orders in SC Provider Mobile with a PIN, a message appears indicating you must use a username and password to check into those types of work orders. Doing so, helps verify technicians with proper credentials are servicing those assets.

Acknowledging Compliance Statement in SC Provider Mobile

When checking out of a Planned Maintenance work order where a leak inspection is conducted, your client can enable an acknowledgement compliance statement that verifies the work that was completed was done in compliance. You must acknowledge the statement in order to complete the process.

⦿ How to Acknowledge Compliance Statement SC Provider Mobile
  1. Check-out of the work order 

  2. Select the leak verification method(s)
  3. Click yes to the leak question
    selecting leak verification

  4. Click the Confirm button to continue
  5. Click the radio button to confirm the Compliance Acknowledgement
    acknowledging compliance statement
  6. Click the Confirm button to proceed

Entering a Leak Inspection

When refrigerant assets have a leak, you create a leak event for a single or multiple assets on a work order. This allows for constant updates on leak events which helps with maintaining accurate data and upkeep on the assets.  Your client can also record leak events while performing services on the asset. You can perform this task in Provider Automation

When leak inspection work orders are processed the user must acknowledge the compliance state that confirms completion of the work in accordance with your clients requirements.

⦿ How to Enter Leak Inspection for a Single or Multiple Assets in SC Provider Mobile
  1. Check-out of the work order 
    work order check out

  2. Select work order status
  3. Enter Resolution Code and Root Cause
  4. Enter Leak Verification method

    You can enter more than one leak verification method

  5. Answer leak question
    leak question

  6. Click the Confirm button to continue

  7. Optional: Acknowledge the Compliance Statement
  8. Click the Checkbox for the assets where a leak was detected
  9. Click the Select Asset button to continue
    Select assets
  10. Click the Add Leak link to fill out Leak Event
    add leak event
  11. Fill in all required information
  12. Click the Confirm Leak button to continue
  13. Complete the refrigerant process
  14. Optional: Add leak event and refrigerant for additional assets
  15. Click Done after reviewing the summary

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