Requesting Parts on Order in SC Provider Mobile

Requesting Parts on Order in SC Provider Mobile

Technicians can request parts to be ordered when a specific part(s) are not available to complete a work order.  This process is available after searching through the inventory for the part.  This requires providers to indicate what part(s) are needed to complete the work order when changing the extended status on a work order to parts on order. When parts arrive at the location, you can indicate parts were received when complete the work order. Requesting Parts on Order can also be done in Provider Automation.

⦿ How to Request Parts Purchasing in SC Provider Mobile
  1. Log-out of the work order and select In-Progress/Parts on Order status
  2. Select Parts on Order
  3. Choose a Source Location for the part
    Choose location
  4. Click the Purchase Order link to open the modal
  5. Click Create a Non-Catalog part link to open the modal
  6. Fill out the Non-Catalog part request information
  7. Click Create and Add to Cart button to part part into cart
    Create and Add to Cart
  8. Optional: Add more parts
  9. Click the View Cart button to check-out part(s)
  10. Select a Destination Location for the part
  11. Click the Submit button to finalize the request
    Submit request
  12. Complete the log-out process
⦿ How to Indicate Parts Received SC Provider Mobile
  1. Log-out of the work order and change status to Complete
  2. Click the Pending Parts tab to locate the parts received
  3. Click the Received radio button to indicate parts were received
    Parts received
  4. Click the Done button to move forward with logging out of the work order
    Completed parts section
  5. Finalize logging out oft he work order