Transferring an Asset to Another Location

Transferring an Asset to Another Location

Clients with multiple locations who also have an abundance of assets or equipment may need those assets transferred back and forth to various locations. This type of work order is called Asset Transfer work order where your client is requesting an asset to be removed from one location and delivered to an alternative location. Asset Transfer work orders include a checklist and mandates a signature by a technician to complete the check-out process.

Asset Transfer work orders can be completed by technicians using username/password or PIN for SC Provider Mobile

⦿ How to Complete an Asset Transfer Work Order
  1. Check-in the work order
  2. Optional:  Complete checklist check-in questions
    checklist check in questions
  3. Physically remove Asset from current location
  4. Physically place Asset to new location
  5. Check-out the work order
  6. Optional:  Complete check-out checklist questions
    checklist check out questions
  7. Click the Done button to confirm Asset
  8. Optional: Click the toggle button if more than one technician was onsite.
  9. Click the Toggle button capture signature
  10. Click the Continue button to proceed
  11. Click the Capture Signature button to add signature
    capture signature button
  12. Add Signature
    Adding signature
  13. Click the Done button to submit signature
  14. Click the Submit button to finalize work order completion

The client must enable this feature for you to receive Asset Transfer work orders.