Auto Users Tab

Auto Users Tab

The Auto Users Tab saves you time by automatically adding user IDs to a specific dashboard when a new location is configured in the Locations Module. For facilities teams managing multiple brands, users are automatically added based on the brand that is configured in the location note. 

Service Automation runs an overnight process to see whether new locations were created and whether new users were created for those locations. It will also search for a brand to see if it is associated with that location. If a new location is found and no users were created for that location, the auto user process will create users. However, if a new location is created and a user id was created for that location, the auto user process will not run and it will not automatically create a user id. The Auto Users Tab will only create a user id for a dashboard user. 

List of Setting under the Auto Users Tab

  • Brand: Should you want to configure auto users based off of your brand location note header, you can add the brand name in the Brand textbox. 
  • Prefix: Adding the beginning name of the new location. 
  • Copy email: When checked, the email address listed under the contact section on the location's detail page is added as the email address for the user id when one is created. 

Configuring Auto Users without Brands

For a single brand, you only need to enter a prefix.  This prefix will append to the location number to create a user id. For example, Cajun Soul Restaurant has the prefix CSR. A new location, 035 was created. When the Auto Users process runs, the result is the user id for this location is now CSR035. 

⦿ How to Configure Auto Users Without Brand
  1. Navigate to the Edit Dashboard Settings > Auto Users.
    1. To apply changes to a different Dashboard, select the desired one from the drop-down menu, and then click Switch
  2. Enter a Prefix.
  3. (Optional) Check Copy email checkbox to associate the location's email to the id. 
  4. Click the Save Changes button to submit.

When a new user is created, you will see a list with user id and email address in Service Automation Admin. See Viewing Auto Users in the Permission Module, below, for more information. 

Configuring Auto Users with Brands

When adding a new user id for a brand, you have to create a location note header named Brand. Once the brand header is established, you will add brand name under location notes

For multiple brands, you will need both the brand and prefix. This prefix will append to the location number to create a user id. For example, you have two brands, Cajan Soul Restaurant and The Cajan Bakery. You also have two new locations: Cajan Soul Restaurant has 035 and The Cajan Bakery has location 051. When setting up auto users, the Cajan Soul Restaurant will have a prefix of CSR while The Cajan Bakery will have prefix of 051. When the auto users process runs, the results are the following:

  • Cajan Soul Restaurant's user id is CSR035
  • The Cajan Bakery's user id is TCB051
⦿ How to Configure Auto Users with Brand
  1. Navigate to the Edit Dashboard Settings > Auto Users.
    1. To apply changes to a different Dashboard, select the desired one from the drop-down menu, and then click Switch
  2. Add the Brand name if the User ID will be for a specific brand dashboard.
  3. Enter a Prefix.
  4. (Optional) Check Copy email checkbox to associate the location's email to the id. 
  5. Click the Save Changes button to submit.

When a new user is created, you will see a list with user id and email address in Service Automation Admin. See Viewing Auto Users in the Permission Module, below, for more information. 

Viewing Auto Users in the Permissions Module

All users are found in the Users section under Admin > Permissions. To search for the user ids, click on the Dashboard Users radio button and then search by using the prefix. 

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