Feedback Tab

Feedback Tab

You can set the options for work order feedback from the Feedback tab of your dashboard settings.

The feedback settings may vary based on your company system configuration. To add more setting options that control the feedback workflow, reach out to ServiceChannel.

Managing Feedback Settings

To ensure that your feedback process is running correctly and meets your company business needs, check your feedback settings.

⦿ How to Modify Feedback Settings
  1. Navigate to the Feedback tab of your dashboard settings.
  2. For all desired fields:
    1. Enter the necessary details in related text fields.
    2. Select or clear checkboxes next to the desired settings.
    3. Select the required options from drop-down lists.
  3. Click Save Changes at the bottom of the page. A confirmation message appears in the top right corner of the page.

Should you want to cancel all the changes that you’ve made on the Feedback tab, click Discard Changes.

List of Settings Under the Feedback Tab

  • Enable Feedback: Require positive feedback from dashboard users to allow service providers to invoice completed work orders.


    Should you want to enable feedback, contact ServiceChannel in addition to selecting the Enable Feedback box.

  • Email to Location Note: Name of the location note header containing the emails of users to be notified when negative feedback is added to work orders.
  • Custom Unsatisfactory Message: Message to be included in the notification email sent to service providers when negative feedback is added to work orders.
  • Answering Custom Questions Optional: Make custom survey questions either optional or required. While the checkbox is unselected, your colleagues are required to answer all survey questions before submitting a work order review. When the checkbox is selected, employees can skip this step and send a review without answering additional survey questions.

    To activate custom survey questions, your company needs to submit the list of assessment questions and their answer options to ServiceChannel. Once that’s done and you have the required features enabled, create a location note header (LNH) named Survey, and enter Yes into the Survey LNH field for desired locations. Get hold of ServiceChannel to learn more on how to set up the review process with custom survey questions.

  • Enable Auto-Confirm: In case feedback is not added to a work order within the time limit specified in the Days to Notify box, the work order will automatically move to Completed/Confirmed status, and service providers will be able to invoice. See Feedback Tab#Configuring Enable Auto-Confirm and Days to Notify for more information. 

    When you have Auto-confirm enabled, the work orders will only display up to the number of days specified in the Days to Notify field.

  • Send Feedback Alert to Created By User: Feedback reminder emails are also sent to the user who created the work order, in addition to the location contact.
  • Days to Notify: Number of days available for dashboard users to leave feedback on work orders; users receive a notification once each day. See Configuring Enable Auto-Confirm and Days to Notify for more information.
  • Custom Notification Message: Message to display in the feedback reminder email sent to dashboard users.
  • Enable Supply Manager Email Confirmation: Provide the ability to use email to confirm receipt of items ordered through Supply Manager.
  • Hours to Notify: Number of hours after the scheduled date when confirmation email for a work order created through Supply Manager is sent.
  • Email Confirmation Custom Message: Message to appear in the confirmation email for work orders created through Supply Manager.
  • Change Status to In Progress/Unsatisfactory for Negative Star Rating: Automatically change the work order status to In Progress/Unsatisfactory when negative feedback is provided.
  • Change Status to Completed/Confirmed for Positive Star Rating: Automatically change the work order status to Completed/Confirmed when positive feedback is provided.
  • Exclude Trades from Feedback- Select specific trades you DO NOT want users to give feedback on work orders associated with those trades.
  • Exclude Categories from Feedback- Select specific categories you DO NOT want users to give feedback on work orders associated with those categories.
  • Exclude Priorities from Feedback- Select specific priorities you DO NOT want users to give feedback on work orders associated with those priorities.
  • Statuses for Feedback: Dashboard users can add feedback to work orders with the selected statuses.
  • Show Days: Display work orders awaiting feedback for the number of days specified here, starting from the completion date.

  • Enable Negative Feedback Notification: Send notifications to the service provider and the location email (from the location note header specified in the Email to Location Note field) when negative feedback is added to a work order.
  • Show Schedule Date: The number of days until the scheduled date appears next to Schedule Date in the Leave Feedback screen.
  • Disable Unsatisfactory Alerts to Providers: Stop sending alerts to service providers for unsatisfactory feedback.
  • Warning for Future Schedule Tickets: Display a warning message when a dashboard user attempts to add feedback to a work order with a future Schedule Date.

Configuring Enable Auto-Confirm and Days to Notify

Using Enable Auto-Confirm and Days to Notify in tandem determines whether a work order stays in either the Completed/Pending Confirmation or Completed/Confirmed status after a service provider checks out for the last time. The selection of auto-confirm and entering the amount of days will ensure the feedback is included and the advancement of a work order continues through the lifecycle. 

For example, when the Enable Auto-Confirm is unchecked then no emails are sent and work orders will never auto close, and the status will remain in Completed/Pending ConfirmationAnother scenario is when the Enable Auto-Confirm is checked and Days to Notify has 0 days entered, the work order changes the status to Completed/Confirmed the following day at midnight. 

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