Leaving Feedback on Work Orders in Dashboard 2.0

Leaving Feedback on Work Orders in Dashboard 2.0

⦿ How to Leave Feedback on a Work Order
  1. Expand the desired work order by clicking the tracking number of the desired work order.
  2. Choose the appropriate Feedback for the service(s) performed.
  3. Enter feedback comments as appropriate:
    • Excellent or Satisfactory feedback: Comment is optional.
    • Unsatisfactory feedback: Comment is required.
  4. Click Submit Feedback. Depending on the feedback chosen, the appropriate confirmation appears:
    • Excellent or Satisfactory feedback: “Feedback successfully submitted for ‘x’ work order(s).”
    • Unsatisfactory feedback:“Feedback successfully submitted for ‘x’ work order(s). We appreciate your feedback. The unsatisfactory feedback has been noted and forwarded to the vendor and facilities so the appropriate action can be taken.”
    • ‘x’ work order(s) = the number of work orders for which feedback were submitted.

Adding a Note

You may add notes to a completed work order awaiting feedback either as standalone or after providing the feedback

⦿ How to Add a Note to a Work Order on the Feedback Required Page
  1. On the Feedback Required page, click View Notes for the desired work order listing. The Notes screen appears. Click Add Note. The Add a Note for <Tracking #> pop-up appears, with your name autofilled in Step 1.
  2. In the Step 2 Enter note text box, enter the appropriate note. Note that this information will be seen by all users permissioned for your location, including service providers and administrators.
  3. Select the Step 3 Action Required checkbox in case you require further action from recipients.
  4. In the Step 4 Choose recipient area box, select the appropriate recipient(s) to whom your note will be emailed. (To select more than one person, hold the Control key (PC) or Command key (Mac), and then click the appropriate names.)
  5. (Optional) Enter additional emails in the Enter Email Address(es) Here box.
  6. (Optional) Upload attachments and enter appropriate descriptions (if necessary).
  7. Click Submit.

Sorting the Work Order List in the Reviews Required Page

You may sort the list of work orders by work order properties available in the Sort By drop-down menu: Status, Area, Caller, Completion Date, Priority, Scheduled Date, Tracking number, Trade, or Vendor.

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