Assigning and Submitting Client Rates
Anastasia Medovkina (Deactivated)
Go to Info for the US Providers
The trades and regions appear in your Rate Card automatically, allowing you to propose rates based on trade, regions, and who performs services.
If you don’t have any rate types yet, go to the Adding a Rate Type first.
On the top of the page, make sure you select the correct Client to assign your rates to.
- Click the Create New button to start a New Card.
- Click the Arrow icon to expand the Trade you would like to add the rates to.
You can have multiple rates on a trade in case you need different rates for different states or counties. You can apply rate types to the highest level, and they will populate all areas below.
You can choose how to assign the rates:
- To the Trade level and they will populate all areas below
- To the Performer level (Self-Performer / Subcontractor)
- To the Country level
- To the State level
To the County level
Expand to see an example of how you can assign rates to different levels.
On the county level, you can see the Compare button. It allows you to check all the changes that occurred with your rates.
Click the Compare button to see the details about the changes in comparison to the current card.
You can also use the Checkboxes to assign rates to specific states or counties.Expand to see an example showing how to use the checkboxes
Finish assigning the rates to the trades.
While completing the assignment, you can see your progress in the Progress Bar.
After assigning the rates to the trade, the trade turns into the Completed status.In order to submit a rate card, all states and counties must be populated. You must also have rates filled out for all trades in order to submit.
Once all rates have been entered, a pop-up window appears asking if you want to submit your rates to a customer.
Click Submit to send the card.
You cannot make any changes to the card once you have submitted it.
If further editing is needed, you can click Cancel and then submit from the main page later.
You also can choose to discard the entire rate card and start from scratch if needed. This will completely delete your rate card, so be careful!
Otherwise, once you click the Submit button, the rate card will be sent to the client for approval. The Card status changes to Submitted.
Now you should wait for the client’s decision. Clients have the ability to accept or reject the rates partially by Trades, Countries, States, and Counties.
The rates you have entered are proposed rates. Your client has to approve these rates before they can take effect in Provider Automation. Once the rates are approved, all submitted invoices will be checked against these rates to make sure the charged amount matches the proposed rates. Invoices that do not match these rates are flagged in the system.
If a client approves or rejects your rates, you will receive a notification.
If the invoice amount does not match the rates approved by the client, you will receive a warning in Provider Automation before you proceed.
Once your card is approved, the card changes to the Current status and replaces the old one.
To learn more about rejections, please, refer to Editing and Resubmitting Rejected Rates to read what to do in case of rejection.