Auto-filling Client Rate Cards

Auto-filling Client Rate Cards

Auto-fill helps you complete rate cards by copying the cards’ information from one client to others, making it faster to propose rates for new and existing clients 

Screenshot showing the copy from option

Before You Start 

A rate card to copy information from appears in the Copy From drop-down if the following criteria are met: 

  • You have completed a rate card for at least one client. 
  • The rate card you want to copy contains the updated coverage you specified in your profile. Otherwise, this card will not be displayed in the Copy From section.  
  • A rate card fully or partially matches your existing coverage.  

⦿ How to Auto-fill a Rate Card for a Client
  1. At the top of the page, click the Clients tab and select a client.

    Screenshot showing the clients tab
  2. Click Client Rates in the Requirements List.

    If you do not have a rate card in the Current/In Progress/Approved/Rejected status for the selected client but you have already completed client rates for any other of your clients, you will see a pop-up prompting you to select a client to copy the rate card from.  

    • Select a client or decline the suggestion and start a new rate card yourself.

      Screenshot showing the copy settings

    You can also use the Copy From drop-down field later if needed. 

  3. In the Copy From section, select a rate card to copy.
    Each card to copy from contains the following information: 
    1. A client's name 
    2. Rate card status 
    3. The coverage % of a copied card matching your current coverage (list of trades, coverage, broker/self-performing, etc.)

      Screenshot showing a copy card
  4. Click Apply.
    The copied card will be applied.

    Note that if your rate card is In Progress / Approved / Rejected status but you decided to copy a rate card from another client, the current information will be overwritten. 

  5. (Optional) Review trades and the rates applied and edit them if needed.  
  6. Manually assign rates to the trades that did not match the existing coverage.
    They will appear at the beginning of the Trades List.

    Screenshot showing rates to assign

    As soon as rates have been assigned to all trades of the card, the rate card becomes Completed 
  7. Submit the completed Rate Card.
    Now you can wait for a client’s response and resubmit the card if needed.

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