Edit and Resubmit Rejected Rates
Anastasia Medovkina (Deactivated)
The client can reject rates at a county, state, or entire country level for a trade. When this happens, you will only need to correct or modify the specific rates that they have rejected instead of submitting the entire rate card from scratch.
You have two options:
- Create a new card and send it with the all-new rates.
- Edit the existing one.
In the example below, editing the rejected card is shown.
You will see when you log in to Provider Automation that a rate card has been rejected.
- Click the Edit button in the top-right corner to update and resubmit the rates.
Once you click Edit, you will see the Rates that have been rejected by the client. You can toggle between viewing all rates (both approved and rejected) OR just rejected by using the Dropdown highlighted. - Hover over the Cross Icon to see the reason for rejection.
- Select a different rate type for the rejected trade.
- Change the rest of the rate types on the trade.
- Click the Submit button.
Now the rate card will be sent back to the client for review.
Once you have either updated your rate type or changed the rate type on the trade, the rate card will be sent back to the client for review.
If you no longer provide the services on a specific location and have changed the list of the locations in your profile, the changes will apply ONLY for the New cards and will appear in the trades sections. Both you and the client will see the changes.