Configuring the Actionable Landing Page

Configuring the Actionable Landing Page

The ALP has two sets of settings now: User Settings and Company Settings. ServiceChannel Administrators will customize the ALP settings to adjust the time thresholds for when metrics appear, but you get to customize which filtered metrics are a priority for you to see and whether you would like up to 3 of your QuickViews to display in the ALP.

ALP Settings are located in the gear icon which is now towards the top of the page under Create Request. Click on the gear to open up the settings.

User Settings

You can filter work orders that appear on the Actionable Landing Page by the Trade, Category, Region, District, Providers, and QuickView. This is helpful so you can concentrate on those work orders where you need to take even more immediate action. These settings are unique to you and will not affect others users under the Subscriber ID.


You can select up to 3 Filters from your QuickView. QuickViews will not be affected by filters you selected.

When you select your unique QuickViews in the User Settings and save, they will show up in the Work Orders row, first view on the left.

Regions and District Filters

ALP metrics for Regions and Districts filters will reflect data from the region(s) and district(s) selected. For example, when you select one region, the ALP metrics will reflect data from all districts within that region. To pare the data down, use both the District filter and the Region filter to reflect the appropriate metrics.

You may turn Actionable Landing Page filters on and off at any time.

Maintenance Work Orders

By default, the Maintenance Category filter is turned off. This is so you can focus on the repair and other categories. While Maintenance work orders are typically thought of as “behind the scenes”, you can turn them on in the Category filter by checking Maintenance to include maintenance work orders in your ALP metrics.

**NEW** User Settings are Your Settings. The filter settings you adjust under User Settings will only affect your ALP

Company Settings

Your ServiceChannel administrator will set the filters for all users under the Subscriber ID. We recommend adjusting these filters and thresholds according to your workflow and business needs.

Location Note Headers

You can include up to 10 additional filters from your searchable or private Location Note Headers. For example, you may have a Location Note Header named “Brands” that differentiates your lines of business. You may add “Brands” as a filter, and your users may use selections under “Brands” to filter appropriate work orders.

Location Note Headers marked as either Searchable or Private will appear in the ALP setting. Also, data in Location Note Header fields should be spelled exactly the same whenever used. Differences in spelling will result in multiples appearing in the list.

Metric Thresholds

Timings for both Emergency and non-emergency work orders are configurable based on your company's desired workflow and needs. For example, you may set the Dispatch Not Confirmed metric to show emergency work orders not confirmed after 30 minutes, and non-emergency work orders not confirmed after 1 day. You can set metric thresholds for:

  • Dispatch Not Confirmed
  • Late to Arrive
  • Waiting for Quote
  • Pending Approval
  • Parts on Order
  • Complete Not Invoiced

⦿ How to Customize ALP Settings
  1. Click the desired filter(s) and/or QuickView from their respective dropdowns under User Settings.

  2. Select Select All to deselect all items.

  3. Select the desired items.

  4. (Optional) Select the desired Location Note Headers under Corporate Settings.

  5. Enter the numerical amount of time in the text fields, and choose Min (minutes), Hr (hours), or Days for both Emergencies and Non-Emergencies

    1. For Late to Arrive, also choose either before or after.

      Completed Not Invoiced does not have an emergencies/non-emergencies setting.

  6. Scroll to the bottom of the list and click Save. The metrics will automatically update with only the work orders/proposals/invoices that meet the selected criteria.

Clicking cancel or the X at the top right hand corner reverses any changes made to the ALP Settings.

Changes to Company Settings affects all corporate users under the Subscriber ID.

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