Uploading Refrigerated Assets via Template

Uploading Refrigerated Assets via Template

Whenever you need to create multiple refrigerated assets en masse, you can take advantage of the asset import template.

Before you upload assets, make sure you have the required asset types added to Asset Manager as well as /wiki/spaces/UJNK/pages/812549301 loaded to Inventory Manager.

⦿ How to Create Refrigerated Assets via Template
  1. Click the hamburger menu, and select Assets (Equipment) > Imported Assets.
    Asset Manager module located in the hamburger menu
  2. Switch to the Upload Assets section.
  3. Click Excel Template (All Attributes). An Excel file with attributes for all asset types gets downloaded to your device.
    Steps to follow to download a blank template
  4. Find the required asset type, fill out the necessary fields, and save the file.
  5. Click Select .xlxs File (With Custom Attributes), and open the required file. The system starts validating your file.
    1. If errors are found, download the results file, and check the last column to correct the errors. When ready, resubmit the file.
    2. If no errors are found, click Confirm Import.
      Confirming the import of refrigerated assets
  6. Once the file is processed, you are redirected to the Imported Assets section.

Completing the Asset Import Template


What fields should be filled out in the template depends on the asset refrigerant usage type: Rack, Connected To a Rack, Self Contained Asset, or Conventional. To boot, it is also important to check what asset type attributes are marked as required on the asset type details page.

Here is the information you are expected to provide. Mandatory fields are marked with a red asterisk .

Column headerDefinitionExample
Asset TypeType of the asset. To associate an asset with an asset type, you need to create an asset type first.

Asset type column in the asset import template

 LocationID of the location where the asset is housed

Location column in the asset import template

Area (Physical/Serving)Specific area where the asset is located, for example, Kitchen or Back of the House

Area column in the asset import template

Work Order AreaAdditional asset info. The WO area doesn’t necessarily need to be the same as the area on the service request in order to associate an asset with a WO.

WO Area column in the asset import template

✱ Tag IDUnique identification number (ID) of the asset

Tag ID column in the asset import template

BrandBrand of the asset

Brand column in the asset import template

Model No.

Model number of the asset

Model Number column in the asset import template
Serial No.Serial number of the asset

Serial Number column in the asset import template

Install DateDate when the asset was installed: MM/DD/YYYY

Install Date column in the asset import template

Is Leased

Enter True if you lease the equipment.

Enter False if you own it.

Is Leased column in the asset import template

Lease DateDate when you started leasing the equipment: MM/DD/YYYY

Lease Date column in the asset import template

Lease PeriodTime period in months when the lease agreement is valid

Lease Period column in the asset import template

Life ExpectancyLife expectancy of the asset in months

Life Expectancy column in the asset import template

Original ValueOriginal price of the asset

Original Value column in the asset import template


Condition of the asset:

  • Broken
  • Poor
  • Average
  • Good
  • Excellent

Condition column in the asset import template

Purchase DateDate when the asset was purchased: MM/DD/YYYY

Purchase Date column in the asset import template

 Refrigerant Usage Type

Your asset may belong to one of the following refrigerant usage types: 

  • Rack
  • Connected To a Rack
  • Self Contained Asset
  • Conventional

Refrigerant Usage Type column in the asset import template

Manufactured DateDate when the asset was manufactured. The field is required if the asset is tracked by the CARB.

Manufactured Date column in the asset import template

Warranty CategoryCategory of work orders when the asset is under warranty. Only fill in for equipment that is under warranty.

Warranty Category column in the asset import template

Warranty NTENot-to-exceed (NTE) amount of work orders when the asset is under warranty. Only fill in for equipment that is under warranty.

Warranty NTE column in the asset import template