Refrigeration Administrator Set Up

Refrigeration Administrator Set Up

In ServiceChannel, refrigeration tracking requires a designated administrator. The refrigeration administrator, by permission, has access to all of the connected features of refrigerant tracking as well as the ability to:

  • edit the leak location on a leak record
  • edit the leak area
  • edit the leak reason code
  • edit action codes

The Refrigeration Tracking Administrator’s primary role is to maintain the accuracy of refrigerant use records.

⦿ How to Designate Refrigerant Tracking Administrators
  1. Navigate to Admin > Permissions > Users.

  2. Either scroll through the list of users or enter their name in the Filter search field, then click the return key.
  3. Click the pencil icon to open the selected individuals account.

  4. Select the Permissions tab.

  5. Ensure that:
    1. a Primary Role  has been selected;
    2. Refrigeration is selected under Trades Permitted; and
    3. Refrigerant Tracking Admin has been checked.
  6. Click Save to complete the process.
  7. Complete the process until all of your Refrigerant Tracking Administrators have been setup.