Editing an Audit
Caroline Antoun
You might find you need to complete an audit you previously started or need to correct/update an already completed audit. You can make edits to these audits in Service Automation or in SC Mobile.
Multiple Auditors
Please be aware that multiple users can be in the same audit at the same time. Whoever finishes first, their audit choices will be saved and other audit choices will disappear.
Open AuditsIncomplete audits show an Open status in yellow/orange and note how many audit items remain in blue. ⦿ How to Edit an Incomplete Audit
You can verify your incomplete audit has been saved because your unaudited number will be fewer. |
Completed AuditsCompleted audits show Completed status in teal blue. ⦿ How to Edit a Completed Audit
Once a report has been changed, you cannot undo and go to a previous version of the report nor can you track historical changes. Keep this in mind as you make edits and submit.
If the app unexpectedly closes, changes in that session will not be saved automatically.