Managing Site Access Rules

Managing Site Access Rules

Setting up site access rules allows you to improve the on-site technician compliance.

Please contact ServiceChannel to have the Site Access functionality enabled.

Users with the Site Access Admin secondary role can configure site access rules and add exceptions to them.

⦿ How to Apply Site Access Rules
  1. Click the menu icon in the upper-left corner, and navigate to Admin > Site Access Rules.
  2. Configure the desired site access rules and exceptions, and then click Save at the bottom of the page to apply the changes.

Configuring Site Access Rules

On the Site Access Rules page, admins can configure rules that affect how technicians check in and check out. Read below for detailed information on each rule.

Inform providers about the enabled site access rules that may change how technicians check in and check out.

Below are Site Access rules that you can configure.

Check-in methods and option

  • Require Account for Check-In
  • Disable IVR Check-In
  • Display Outside Operational Hours Text
  • Geolocation Radius
  • Prevent Check-In Outside Geolocation Radius
  • Acceptable Check-In Timeframe

Check-out options:

  • Automatic Checkout
  • Prevent Checkout Outside Geolocation Radius

Badge scanning options

  • Require Badge Scan on Check-In
  • Rescan Existing Check-Ins
  • Rescan Repeat Visitors
  • Outside Operational Hours Check-Ins
  • Outside Acceptable Timeframe Check-Ins
  • Outside Geolocation Check-Ins

Check-In Methods and Options

In the Check-In Methods and Check-In Options sections, you can adjust rules for the technicians’ check-in process, such as whether techs need to have a technician account to check into work orders, if the IVR system is enabled for check-in, whether techs can clock in outside the acceptable GPS radius, and more.

Site Access rules for the check-in flow

You can also get visibility into technicians' compliant and non-compliant check-ins by configuring the radius within which a technician’s check-in will be considered compliant and on-site.

If the technician checked in out of the radius, you would see such check-in as non-compliant on the Work Order Details and Invoice Details pages. 


Contact your ServiceChannel manager to enable the feature. 

Please, contact your ServiceChannel representative should you need to change the decimal point (.) to decimal comma (,) on non-monetary amounts, such as: 

  • Hours and Duration 
  • Quantity Amounts 
  • Weight. 

 Expand the section to read about compliant and non-compliant check-ins.

For clients who are using the Compliant and Non-Compliant Check-Ins feature, you will no longer have the Prevent Check-in Outside Geolocation Radius and Prevent Check-out Outside Geolocation Radius sections on the Site Access Rules page. Technicians can check in anywhere, but you will see whether the check-in is compliant or non-compliant. 

  • To configure compliant and non-compliant check-ins, specify the geolocation radius in the Check-Ins Options section.

When a technician clocks in or out via the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app, their location is determined relative to the work order’s location through the GPS service. When a check-in/out is outside the radius, it will be marked as 'non-compliant.' 

In the image above, the geolocation radius is set to 2 miles around locations. When a technician gets closer than 2 miles to a work order’s location — which is tracked through the GPS service on their mobile device — their check-in is considered compliant, and you will see it on the Work Order Details page and Invoice Details page.  

Should a technician be further than 2 miles from a location, they still can check in, but you will see that their check-in is non-compliant on the Work Order Details page and Invoice Details page. 

Note that: 

  • GPS is considered 'Unknown' when the GPS coordinates or the location addresses are not correctly set up in the Locations module. 
  • When the Site Access Rules are not set up, compliant and non-compliant check-in/outs will be calculated within a 2-mile radius. 

Check-In Methods

Require Account for Check-In

Сhoose whether you want to allow technicians to check into work orders only after signing in to ServiceChannel Provider with their technician account and not a PIN.


Technicians can check into work orders only if they signed in to ServiceChannel Provider using the login and password of their technician account. If they signed in with a PIN, they cannot check in.

EXCEPTIONS You can add exceptions to this rule for specific locations, providers, and trades to allow technicians to check in without a technician account.

In ServiceChannel Mobile, location employees can see the name and photo of techs who have a technician account, which allows them to make sure that the people who arrived on-site are those who were expected to come.

❌ NoA technician account is not required for technicians to check into work orders. They can use their PIN to sign in.

Disable IVR Check-In

Decide whether you want to disable the option to check into work orders via the IVR system for technicians.


Technicians cannot check into work orders via IVR. They will be required to use the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app if they attempt to do so.

EXCEPTIONS You can add exceptions to this rule for specific locations, providers, and trades to allow technicians to use IVR upon check-in.

❌ NoChecking into work orders via the IVR system is allowed.

Check-In Options

Display Outside Operational Hours Text

Choose whether you want to display a predefined message to technicians in ServiceChannel Provider when they try to check in outside of the location’s operational hours.


A message that you enter in the Outside Operational Hours Text field is displayed in ServiceChannel Provider to those technicians who attempt to check in when a store is closed.

 Click here to view an example.

Example of a message to show to technicians who attempt to check in when a location is closed

You may remind technicians the business hours of the location they are trying to access and provide them with instructions on how to proceed.

❌ NoTechnicians who check in outside of the location’s business hours don’t get any message in ServiceChannel Provider.

EXCEPTIONS You can add exceptions to this rule — whether you turned it on or off — to tailor messages to show to technicians for specific locations, providers, and trades. You may create a custom message for each exception.

Geolocation Radius

Specify how close a technician should be to a store to be able to check in or out. Geolocation radius is an acceptable distance around a location within which a technician is considered to be on-site. When a technician clocks in or out via the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app, their location is determined relative to the work order’s location through the GPS service.

Whether or not a tech can check in or check out outside the set radius depends on how you configure the corresponding rules.

To set the acceptable radius, enter a value between 0.1 and 99.9 in the Miles field.

Specifying an acceptable GPS geolocation radius

 Click here for a detailed explanation of the provided example.

In the image above, the geolocation radius is set to 2 miles around locations. When a technician gets closer than 2 miles to a work order’s location — which is tracked through the GPS service on their mobile device — they are considered to be on-site and can perform a check-in/out without any restrictions related to the GPS radius.

Should a technician be further than 2 miles from a location, whether they can check in or out depends on the rules you enable. You may prevent techs who are not on-site from checking in or checking out.

EXCEPTIONS You can add exceptions to this rule to adjust the allowed GPS radius for specific locations, providers, and trades.

Prevent Check-In Outside Geolocation Radius

Decide whether you want to prevent technicians from checking in outside the specified geolocation radius using ServiceChannel Provider.

Clients using the Compliant and Non-Compliant Check-Ins feature will no longer have the Prevent Check-in Outside Geolocation Radius and Prevent Check-out Outside Geolocation Radius sections on the Site Access Rules page. Technicians can check in anywhere, but you will see whether the check-in is compliant or non-compliant. 

 YesTechnicians cannot check in via the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app outside the acceptable GPS radius around a work order’s location.
❌ No

Technicians can check in from anywhere using the ServiceChannel Provider mobile app. Should they be outside the acceptable radius, they see a notification but can still check in.

EXCEPTIONS You can add exceptions to this rule to prevent technicians from checking in outside the allowed GPS radius for specific locations, providers, and trades.

Acceptable Check-In Timeframe

Set the acceptable check-in time frame around the scheduled time of a work order to notify store employees when technicians check in too early or late:

  • Under Early, set the earliest time in minutes or hours prior to the scheduled time.
  • Under Late, specify the latest time in minutes or hours after the scheduled time.

To set the time, pick either Minutes or Hours in the dropdown, and then enter a value in the field.

  • Minutes: Enter a number between 1 and 59.
  • Hours: Enter a number between 1 and 24.

Setting an acceptable check-in time frame

Enabling this rule does not prevent technicians from checking in.

EXCEPTIONS You can add exceptions to this rule to set a custom check-in time frame for specific locations, providers, and trades.
