Service Provider On-Site Check-Ins and Check-Outs in Dashboard 2.0

Service Provider On-Site Check-Ins and Check-Outs in Dashboard 2.0

Your work order will list the service provider who will arrive at your location to repair the related issue. While the service provider is on site, the service provider must Check-in and Check-out to log his/her progress. This is crucial because it drives real-time information through Service Automation about both the services requested and the services provided. Check-ins and check-outs change work orders to the appropriate statuses.

Check-In/Out Methods

A service provider may check-in or check-out using one of two methods available: IVR or GPS. Your ServiceChannel administrator determines which method service providers will use:

  • SC GPS Mobile App: This is the preferred method. When configured, a service provider should use his/her mobile phone and the SC GPS mobile app to check-in and check-out of work orders. Each work order will update accordingly.
  • Interactive Voice Response (IVR) system: When configured, a service provider must use a telephone to check-in and check-out. Your ServiceChannel administrator may allow the use of either a landline or mobile phone:
    • Landline phone: A service provider may be mandated to use the location’s landline phone to check-in and check-out, to ensure that he/she has arrived at the correct location to address the work order. A landline phone should be made available to the service provider.
    • Mobile phone: A service provider is allowed to use his/her mobile phone to check-in and check-out at the location.