Completing a Project

Completing a Project

Prior to a project having its status change to Completed, all tasks should be in the Invoiced status. This indicates tasks that have been reviewed and finalized. When a task has been Invoiced, this information will appear in Cost Info. Using the Actions button will finalize a project and change its status to Completed. A project can be place into Completed status at any point during the Project Lifecycle

Using the Action Button to Complete a Project

The Actions button is located inside a project on the upper right hand side. When a project is Completed, you cannot add any additional tasks. You may not remove any task from Tasks Lists from a project that is Completed. 

⦿ How to Mark a Project as Completed
  1. In a project, click the Actions button to expand the list. 
  2. Click Mark as Completed link to change the Project Lifecycle status. To access the Complete Project Link
  3. Click the Yes button to confirm the project is completed. The Project Lifecycle status will change to Completed

Complete Project Confirmation

Re-Opening a Completed Project

Projects in Completed status can be RE-Opened at any time. When a project is re-opened, it returns to the Project Lifecycle status it was in prior to completion. This allows for potential updates which includes adding tasks or updating project information. After changes or updates are made, the project can be placed back into Completed status. The re-opening of a project is capture under the History tab within a project.

⦿ How to Re-Open a Completed Project
  1. In a project, click the Actions button to expand the list. 
  2. Click the Re-Open Project link to re-open the project. 
  3. Click the Yes button to confirm re-opening. 
  4. The project returns to its previous status. 

When a project is in Completed status, it cannot be canceled. When a project is canceled, it cannot be place in Completed status.