Adding Change Orders
Lamont Eddins
Change Orders represents the ability to add tasks to a project that has already been Approved/In Progress status. This occurs when a Facilities or Project Manager has to add additional tasks to a project or when a Work Order or RFP has been previously created but needs to be added to a project. For example, a Work Order or RFP needs to be created for a project after it has been scoped and approved. All Change Orders will appear in Tasks List.
Adding a Change Order to a Project
When a Change Order is added into a project, this could potentially impact contingency. Depending on what happens with contingency after the Change Order is added, it could determine whether the project will need to be re-submitted for approval. This happens when a Change Order takes the Committed Cost above the Approval Cost. When that happens, the project must receive a new approval due to the contingency going over the original allocated amount. When a Change Order is added but does not go over the original contingency amount, the Change Order can be added to a project without additional approval.
Approving a Change Order
When a change order is approved, it now becomes part of the project's task and ready to be dispatched or waiting for proposals from service providers.
Rejecting a Change Order
Rejecting a Change Order is when a task has been added during the In-Progress status of a project but was rejected when seeking approval to be added into the project. A reject could occur if the project has minimum financial resources or the task simply is not needed. When a Change Order is rejected, the Change Order tab provides information detailing the rejection.