Configuring Project Types and Categories

Types and Categories are associated with the Projects Module to determine the trade and classification of a project. When creating a project, you will need to select Types and Categories. You must connect a Project Category with a Primary Category, in order to submit into Projects

Once you have created your Project Types and Categories, you can use the search bar to find a specific Project Type or Project Category

You can modify or delete project types and categories as needed. 

Adding Project Types and Categories 

⦿ How to Add Project Type in Projects
  1. Click Types and Categories under Projects in Service Automation Administration.
    1. (Optional) You can also access Types and Categories under Projects Approval Configuration.  
  2. Click the Add Type button to create a Project Type.
  3. Type a Project Type name in the textbox.
  4. Click the Save button to enter the Project Type. 

⦿ How to Add a Project Category in Projects
  1. Click Types and Categories under Projects in Service Automation Administration
    1. (Optional) You can also access Types and Categories under Projects Approval Configuration.  
  2. Click the Add Category button to create a Project Category.
  3. Type a Project Category Name in the textbox and use the drop-down arrow to select a Primary Category.
  4. Click the Save button to enter the Project Category.

Modifying Project Types and Categories

Modifying a project type or category at any time. 

⦿ How to Modify a Project Type or Category
  1. Click Types and Categories under Projects in Service Automation Administration
    1. (Optional) You can also access Types and Categories under Projects Approval Configuration.  
  2. Click the Edit icon, located to the right of the Project Type or Project Category name. 
    1. (To edit a Project Type or Category) change the name 
    2. (To create a new Project Type or Category) add a new name and select Primary Category. 
  3. Click the Save button to confirm changes. 

Deleting Project Types and Categories

When a Project Type and Category is associated with a project, you cannot delete the Project Type and Category. You would have to edit the Project Types and Categories before deleting. 

⦿ How to Delete a Project Type or Category in Projects
  1. Click Types and Categories under Projects in Service Automation Administration
    1. (Optional) You can also access Types and Categories under Projects Approval Configuration.  
  2. Click the Trash Icon located to the right of the Edit Icon to delete a Project Type or Project Category. 
  3. Click the Confirm button to remove the Project Type or Project Category.