Managing an Existing Audit Type
Jing Tong (Unlicensed)
Caroline Antoun
Anastasiya Dashuk (Unlicensed)
At any time you may manage audit types. This may occur, for example, when specific areas, checklists, or checklist items were either added to or removed from your locations; after field auditors gave feedback on a dispatched audit checklist; or when you no longer need the audit type. You may:
- Edit an existing audit type through the Site Audit Template; or
- Inactivate or reactivate an audit type through Site Planning Manager - Admin.
Editing an Existing Audit Type through the Site Audit Template
While editing an audit type through the Site Audit Template, you may remove or add an area, checklist, and/or checklist item. Note that removed items will no longer appear in SC Mobile or Service Automation; however, this will have no impact on any audit data previously submitted.
Site Planning Manager - Admin keeps all templates previously uploaded for each audit type in case you need to review or revert to an earlier version.
You can edit only active audit types that are listed under the Active Audit Types tab. Inactive audit types cannot be updated, so reactivate that audit type to edit it.
Do not change names of tabs or column headers. Reminders while updating the template:
- Areas, checklists, and checklist items must have unique names.
- When assigning checklist to areas and checklist items to checklists, data and mappings must match exactly.
Review Building a Site Audit in an Excel Template for in-depth details.
- On the Active Audit Types tab in Site Planning Manager - Admin, locate the desired audit.
In the Actions column, click Download to get the latest MS Excel template that was uploaded for that audit type. Locate and open the template.
Should you want to use an earlier version of the template, locate it in the Audit Upload History table.
- Update and save the template.
- Add, edit, or remove areas, checklists, and checklist items, as desired.
- Review and edit all mappings on both the Assign Checklists (CL) to Area and Assign CLI to CL tabs, as needed.
- Save the template in MS Excel format (XLS or XLSX).
- In Site Planning Manager - Admin, click Edit next to the appropriate audit type. The Edit Audit Type modal appears.
Click Browse, select your Site Audit Excel Template, and confirm your choice.
Make sure you are uploading the file on the correct audit type line item so that you do not overwrite another audit type.
- Click Save. The Upload Template Summary section appears indicating whether your template passed or failed validation.
If the import is successful, click Close. The audit type is updated. Your user ID and the date of the upload are noted in the audit type line item.
If the import fails, open your Site Audit Template, fix the errors, and upload the template again.The report in the Upload Template Summary section indicates the exact sheets, rows, and columns where errors exist, so keep the report open while you review each line item listed against the template.
Inactivating and Reactivating an Audit Type through Site Planning Manager - Admin
At any time you may either inactivate an active audit type or reactivate an inactive audit type. This is useful when you want to stop any further audits from being conducted either temporarily (until you upload an updated template) or permanently. Note that:
- Inactivating and reactivating audit types is immediately reflected in the SC Mobile app and Service Automation.An inactivated audit type will instantly disappear from the audit types list while an activated one will appear.
Inactivated audit types will not affect open audits. When an auditor chooses an audit type, that particular audit is considered "open." Audit data can still be uploaded to the system after you have inactivated that audit type. However, should an auditor cancel that open audit, (s)he will not be able to launch a new audit of that audit type because it will no longer appear.
- Audit types cannot be deleted. Should you wish to no longer use an audit type, you can only inactive it. You cannot delete audit types, even if no audits were uploaded using that audit type.
- On the Active Audit Types tab, locate the desired audit type.
- Under the Actions column to the right of the selected audit type, click Inactivate. The audit type disappears from the list, and a green confirmation box appears. The audit type is now listed under the Inactive Audit Types tab.
- On the Inactive Audit Types tab, locate the desired audit type.
- Under the Actions column to the right of the selected audit type, click Activate. The audit type disappears from the list, and a green confirmation box appears. The audit type is now listed under the Active Audit Types tab.