Managing Inventory Transfers in SC Provider
- Anastasia Troichuk (Unlicensed)
- Lamont Eddins
Navigating the Inventory Module
As you access the Inventory module in the SC Provider mobile app, you can navigate through the following sections:
Managing Inventory
The section allows you to view inventory locations you have access to as well as view parts stored there. Learn more about Viewing Inventory Locations and Parts.
You can also take action on parts, for example, adjust the part on-hand quantity. Read the Taking Action on Parts to learn how to do that.
Creating Transfers
There are two types of inventory transfers that you can create in SC Provider depending on whether you pick the requested parts from the source location in person or the parts should be first shipped to the location where you can pick them from.
You should have the Create Transfers permission to be able to create transfers in SC Provider.
The transfer happens immediately as you pick up the required parts from the inventory location yourself. There is no need to track the shipping and receiving processes.
You request to move the required parts from a warehouse to another inventory location first, for example, the one nearest to you. Then, you can pick up the parts from there.
Creating an Immediate Transfer
- Tap Create Transfer to expand the section, and pick the Immediate Transfer option.
- Select the source location — the location where parts should be taken from.
Search for the required part, or scan its barcode.
When you search for a part, note that the search is done only within the source location you have selected in the previous step. If you cannot find the required part, try selecting another source location.
Tap the + plus icon next to the part you want to transfer.
- Indicate the part quantity to be transferred.
Decide what you want to do next:
a. Add more parts to this transfer.i. Tap Add to Cart. The part is added to your cart.
ii. Include other parts to your transfer.
iii. When all the required parts are added to your cart, tap View Cart.
iv. (Optional) Adjust the part quantity to transfer, or remove unnecessary items from the cart.
v. Tap Submit. Then, tap Done in the confirmation message that appears.i
b. Submit the transfer without adding any other parts.i. Tap Transfer Now. You are navigated to your cart.
ii. (Optional) Adjust the part quantity to transfer.
iii. Tap Submit. Then, tap Done in the confirmation message that appears.i
Your transfer has been created in the Received status. To learn how to access and view transfer details, check the Viewing Transfers article.
Requesting a Transfer
- Tap Create Transfer to expand the section. Then, pick the Request Transfer option.
- Select the source location — the location where parts should be taken from.
Search for the required part, or scan its barcode.
When you search for a part, note that the search is done only within the source location you have selected in the previous step. If you cannot find the required part, try selecting another source location.
Tap the + plus icon next to the part you want to transfer.
- Specify the part quantity to be transferred.
Decide what you want to do next:
a. Add more parts to this transfer.i. Tap Add to Cart. The part is added to your cart.
ii. Include other parts to your transfer.
iii. When all the required parts are added to your cart, tap View Cart.i
b. Submit the transfer without adding any other parts.i. Tap Transfer Now. You are navigated to your cart.
On the Cart screen, select the destination location — the location to which the parts should be transferred from the source location.
- (Optional) Adjust the part quantity to transfer.
- Tap Submit. Then, tap Done in the confirmation message that appears.
Your transfer has been created and assigned the Open status. Read the Viewing Transfers article to learn how to view open transfers.
Taking Action on Existing Transfers
While a transfer is in the Open status, you can adjust the part quantity to be transferred or even remove items that no longer should be included in that transfer.
Adjusting the Part Quantity to Be Transferred
Note that if a transfer is already in the Picking status, you cannot adjust the part quantity to be transferred. Contact your administrator asking to move the transfer back to the Open status. Once the transfer is set to the Open status, the quantity can be updated.
All the parts that are included in a transfer will appear as separate transfer items in the app. The app does NOT visually place all the parts under the transfer they are associated with. The easiest way to find all the parts that should be moved as part of a transfer is to filter transfer items by transfer ID.
- Tap Transfer Status in the lower-right corner.
- Find the transfer item you want to take action on using one of the methods below:
- Filter transfer items by status. By default, the app shows open transfers.
- Filter transfer items by transfer creation date. By default, the app shows transfer items created for the last month.
- Search for the required transfer item, or scan the part barcode.
- Tap the transfer item to open its details.
Scroll down to see the part quantity requested to be transferred.
To view detailed information on the inventory part, tap View Part Detail.
Adjust the part quantity.
- Tap Update Transfer.
Now that you have adjusted the part quantity to be shipped, the inventory location manager will see the updated quantity and ship the corresponding quantity to the destination location.
Removing Items from Existing Transfers
Parts that no longer need to be transferred can be removed from an existing transfer while the latter is in the Open status.
- Tap Transfer Status in the lower-right corner.
- Find the transfer you want to take action on using one of the methods below:
- Filter transfers by status. By default, the app shows open transfers.
- Filter transfers by transfer creation date. By default, the app shows transfers created for the last month.
- Search for the required transfer, or scan the part barcode.
- Tap the transfer item to open its details.
Tap Remove from Transfer.
The item is no longer included in that transfer.
Oops! Removed a transfer item by mistake? To add it back, create a new transfer item request.
Marking Inventory Transfers as Received
Let your managers know that you have received the requested inventory items by moving the inventory transfer item to the corresponding status. To track inventory items that have already been shipped from the source location, navigate to the Mark Received section — there you will see a list of shipped and partially received transfer items.
If you do not see the required transfer item on the list, ensure your administrator assigned you to both the destination and the source locations of the transfer in Locations & Provider Assignments.
You should have the Receive Inventory permission to be able to receive transfers in SC Provider.
- Access the Mark Received section of the Inventory module. The list of shipped transfers appears.
Search for the required transfer item on the list, or scan the part barcode.
You can search by Transfer ID, Part Number, and Part Name.
Tap Receive if the part has been received in full.
If you have received less than was shipped, see Receiving Less than Was Shipped.
The whole transfer is moved to the Received status when all the transfer items are marked as received in the app. Should you want to view transfer details, check the Viewing Transfers article.
Receiving Less than Was Shipped
If the quantity you have received is less than the shipped quantity, you need to let the stakeholders know about that by moving the transfer to the Partially Received status.
- Adjust the part quantity you have received by tapping the - minus icon.
- Tap Receive. The transfer automatically moves to the Partially Received status.
For example, out of the shipped 560 lbs of the R-448A refrigerant, the technician received 530 lbs, meaning that 30 lbs got lost or were not delivered.
Contact your client to let them know about the part quantity lost so that your client can capture this information on their side.
To mark that the outstanding quantity has been eventually received, tap the Receive button once again. The transfer will move to the Received status.
Restocking Transfers
Restocking transfers are created automatically by Inventory Manager based on the restocking rules and schedule configured by the client. Learn more about Restocking Transfers.
Viewing Restocking Transfers
All restocking transfers that are scheduled to be created to replenish the parts on your truck will be visible to you in the Restock section. There, you will be able to view restocking transfer items and adjust the part quantity to be restocked.
Adjusting Restocking Transfers
For upcoming restocking transfers, you may need to make the required adjustments to the part quantity that should be restocked. You may also need to add more items to a restocking transfer or remove unwanted parts from there.
You can update the part quantity to be shipped or add more items to the upcoming transfer until the restocking routine runs. The date when the next restocking transfer will be created is displayed at the top of the screen.
Once the routine runs, the restocking transfer is created and assigned the Picking status by default. In this status, transfers are locked and cannot be updated. Your administrator will need to move the transfer back to the Open status to be able to update the part quantity to be shipped.
- Tap Restock.
- Search for the required part, or scan the part barcode.
- Adjust the quantity to restock by tapping the plus or minus icons.
- Tap Update to save the new quantity.
To add more parts to the restocking transfer, tap Add Part, and select the part you need to restock.
The list displays the parts that are stored in the primary supply location for your truck. Any part that exists at the primary supply location can be added to the restocking transfer even if there are no stock records for the truck.
Click here to expand the section and view the screenshot.
To proceed, specify the quantity, and tap Submit. The part gets added to the transfer.
6. To remove parts from the restocking transfer, set the Restock quantity to zero, and tap Update.
Once the restocking items are shipped to the destination location, you will be able to mark these items as received.
Viewing Transfers
The list of all transfers you have access to can be accessed by tapping Transfer Status.
All the parts that are included in a transfer appear as separate transfer items in the app. The app does NOT visually place all the parts under the transfer they are associated with. The easiest way to find all the parts that should be moved as part of a transfer is to filter transfer items by transfer ID.
- Tap Transfer Status in the lower-right corner. By default, the list of open transfers created over the last month appears.
- Use the filters or the scanning option at the top of the list to find the required transfers:
- Transfer status: Open, Picking, Shipped, Partially Received, or Received. The number to the right of each status indicates how many transfers for each status you have access to view.
- Transfer creation date: Pick the time period (From and To) so that the app displays all transactions that fall within this time period. Tap Done to apply the date filter.
- Scanning option: Tap the scanning icon to scan the part barcode.
Tap the transfer item to view details. Scroll down to view the part quantity to transfer.
- (Optional) Tap View Part Detail to see detailed information on the part.
To update the transfer or remove items from the transfer, read Taking Action on Existing Transfers.