Inventory Transfers

Inventory Transfers

As an inventory manager, you can create and track transfers of inventory parts from one location to another, ensuring you have adequate on-hand quantities of inventory required to operate your business.

Inventory Manager allows you to make sure that transfers are processed properly and get more visibility into transfer status. You can also enable your in-house FTM technicians to initiate inventory transfers via the SC Provider mobile app. Learn more about Managing Inventory Transfers in SC Provider.

How Can Inventory Transfers Help You Boost Your Inventory Management?

(tick) Avoid inventory gluts and shortages by moving parts from the locations where there is a surplus to the locations that are running out of parts.

(tick) Greater visibility into inventory movement — WHEN the transfer took place, WHAT items were transferred, WHERE the items were taken FROM, and WHERE they were moved TO.

(tick) Automated restocking process that you can set up in such a way as to make sure the parts are being restocked on time, and the restocking process does not interfere with major facility operations.

(tick) Capturing inventory movement by technicians in the field. From one truck to another or from a warehouse to the truck, technicians can create immediate transfers and pick up the required items themselves.

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