Taking Action on Standard and Restocking Transfers

Taking Action on Standard and Restocking Transfers

Having the permission to manage transfers in Inventory Manager, you can do the following:

Ensure you have the Manage Transfers permission to create inventory transfers. Read more about Subscriber Permissions.

Changing the Transfer Status

For you to get better visibility into inventory movement and see which parts have already been picked, shipped, partially received, or received in full, there are five statuses: Open, Picking, Shipped, Partially Received, and Received.

⦿ How to Change the Transfer Status
  1. Navigate to the Transactions tab.
    Transactions tab listing existing transfers
  2. Apply filters to quickly find the desired transfer.Applying filters to find the desired transfers
  3. Click the transfer to open the detailed view.Viewing details of the standard transfer
  4. Select the status in the upper-right corner.
    Changing the transfer status from Open to Picking
    1. OPEN You can still add more parts to this transfer or adjust the part quantity to be transferred.
    2. PICKING The part is being picked off the shelf and ready to be shipped. The quantity to be shipped can no longer be adjusted. No new items can be added to the transfer.

      If you need to change the quantity to ship after the transfer is put into the Picking status, you should first move your transfer back to the Open status and then make the required adjustments.

    3. SHIPPED The part is being shipped. Note that transfers in the Shipped status are no longer displayed under the Transactions tab. You can find them under the Receiving tab. Read more about Receiving Inventory Transfers.

    4. CANCELED You can cancel the transfer while it’s in the Open or Picking status. The transfer gets deleted.
  5. Click Save.

You have successfully moved the transfer to the required status!

Canceling a Transfer

Whether a transfer was created by mistake or the requested items are no longer needed at the destination location, you can cancel your transfer.

While the transfer is in the Open or Picking status, you can cancel it. Canceling a transfer will remove the transfer from Inventory Manager — you will not be able to view or process it anymore.

⦿ How to Cancel a Transfer
  1. Navigate to the Transactions tab.
    Transactions tab listing existing transfers
  2. Apply filters to quickly find the desired transfer.
  3. Click the transfer to open the detailed view.Viewing details of the standard transfer
  4. In the upper-right corner, select Canceled from the list with statuses.Moving the transfer to the Canceled status
  5. Click Save.

The transfer gets deleted from your list of transactions, and you can no longer view it in Inventory Manager.

Adding Parts to an Existing Transfer

Decided to add more parts to an existing transfer? While the transfer is in the Open status, you can add other parts to it.

Since restocking transfers are created in the Picking status by default, you first should move the transfer back to the Open status to be able to add more parts to the transfer.

⦿ How to Add More Parts to a Transfer
  1. Navigate to your Parts Catalog.
  2. Click Add To next to the desired part.Clicking Add To allows you to add the part to an existing transfer
  3. Pick the required transaction from the list, and click Add.

    Overlay for selecting the transfer

    You can search for a transfer by source location number or by destination location number. Enter the required location number (aka location ID), and press Enter on your keyboard.

    You can also sort the existing transactions by transaction number by clicking the arrow in the upper-right corner.

  4. Specify the part quantity that should be transferred.Specifying the part quantity to transfer
  5. Select the destination location.
  6. Click Add.

The part has been added to the transaction.

Another part was added to an existing transfer

Ready to get the parts picked and shipped? Read Changing the Transfer Status.

Adjusting the Part Quantity to Be Shipped

Five steps in which you can adjust the part quantity to ship

Since restocking transfers are created in the Picking status by default, you first should move the transfer back to the Open status to be able to adjust the part quantity to be shipped.

⦿ How to Adjust the Part Quantity to Be Shipped
  1. Navigate to the Transactions tab.
  2. Use filters to quickly find the desired transfer.
  3. Click the transfer to open the detailed view.
  4. Edit the part quantity in the Quantity to Ship field.

    The quantity to ship can be set to zero whenever it's required, meaning that, at the current moment, your inventory location cannot transfer the requested part.

  5. Click Save.

Updating the part quantity to ship

Printing the Transaction Details and the Picking List

  • Printing the transaction details. You can print the details of any transaction (in any status) from the transaction detailed view.
⦿ How to Print the Transaction Details
  1. Find the required transfer. Based on the transfer status, you may need to navigate either to the Transactions or to the Receiving tab.
    Transactions tab in Inventory Manager showing transfers
  2. Click the transfer to open the transfer detailed view.
  3. Click the printer icon next to the transfer status.
  4. Download the document with transfer details to your device, or print it out.
  • Printing the picking list. When you are ready to pick the items off the shelves and ship them to the destination location, you can save the picking list as a PDF document or print it out. 


The list can be then used as a checklist when picking the required items in a warehouse or another inventory location as well as as a shipping document added to the box that is shipped.

⦿ How to Print the Picking List
  1. Find the required transfer under the Transactions tab.
    Transactions tab in Inventory Manager showing transfers
  2. Open the transfer detailed view.
  3. Make sure the transfer is in the Picking status.
    Changing the transfer status to Picking
  4. Click the download icon next to the transfer status.
    Clicking the download icon next to the transfer status to print the picking list
  5. Download the picking list to your device, or print it out.
    Viewing the picking list

When there are several destination locations, Inventory Manager will generate a separate picking list for each destination location.

In the screenshot below, you can see that the areas highlighted in blue are left blank for you to fill out the corresponding information.

You can fill out the areas highlighted in blue

Shipped Date: Date when the items were shipped to the receiving location

Shipped By: Name of the person who shipped the parts

Actual Qty: Actual quantity of the part that will be shipped

For any reports and templates downloaded for viewing and/or adding information for uploading into Service Automation, items such as decimal separators, date & time formats, currency codes and address forms displays based on your computer settings if the format is Excel (.xls) and if it is a CSV file (.csv), then ServiceChannel settings takes precedence.

If the Currency Code Support feature is enabled, a currency field is added to reports and templates. If the Localization Address Format feature is enabled, headers and values are updated with the specific country’s address format for Excel (.xls) and CSV(.csv) only headers are affected while headers and values are affected for a PDF (.pdf). 

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