Viewing Inventory Locations and Parts

Viewing Inventory Locations and Parts

After you tap Inventory on the home screen, you can opt to view parts from your truck only or to see a full list of inventory locations.

Sections of the Inventory module where you can opt to view either your truck or all inventory locations

You should be assigned to a truck to be able to view parts that are stored there.

Viewing Inventory Locations

The full locations list shows all the locations that store inventory. These locations may belong to different location types, such as Location, Warehouse, Supply House, or Truck.

List of inventory locations

Icon: The icon next to each location tells you what type an inventory location belongs to: Location, Warehouse, Supply House, or Truck.

Distance: Right under the location icon, you can check the distance in miles from your current whereabouts to an inventory location — provided that the location coordinates are specified by your client.

Location details: You can view the location ID, name, and address.

Contact: The name of the main contact person at the location.

Search box: Allows you to quickly find the desired location by location ID, name, or address.

Viewing Parts

When you tap a location — be it a truck assigned to you or any other inventory location — on the locations list, the app shows you all the parts kept at this location.

List of parts that are kept at the inventory location

Location details: At the top of the parts list, you see the location name and the name of the main contact person. Tap the name to view the person’s phone number if available. Should you need to contact this person, tap the number to launch the phone call.

Name and phone number of the main contact person at the location

Part image: The picture of each part — if available  appears on the left.

Part details: You can view the part number, name, description, part type, and group. Tap the part to access its details.

Search box: Allows you to find the required part within the selected location.

Scan button: Tap the button in the upper-right corner to find the required part by scanning its barcode.

Viewing Part Details

To access the part details, you should tap the desired part on the parts list. When on the details screen, here is the information you can find there.

Part details screen

Location details: At the top of the part details screen, you see the location name and the name of the main contact person. Tap the name to view the person’s phone number if available. Should you need to contact this person, tap the number to launch the phone call.

Name and phone number of the main contact person at the location

Part details: You can view the part number, name, description, type, group, on-hand quantity as well as the part picture.

Adjust Audit button: Allows you to change the stock quantity of the part. The button becomes available only if you have permission to update the part on-hand quantity. The permission is assigned to you by your subscriber in Service Automation.