Request Confirm Tab
Request Confirm Tab
Chellie Esters
Caroline Antoun
Natalia Larina (Unlicensed)
Owned by Chellie Esters
From the Request Confirm tab, you may allow dashboard users to change the default values of a work order that are derived from provider assignments and the issue list, such as the provider, category, or priority.
⦿ How to Modify Request Confirm settings
- For all desired fields:
- Enter the desired details in related text fields
- Check/uncheck the boxes next to the desired options, and/or
- Select desired items from a drop-down list as necessary,
- Click Save Changes at the bottom of the screen. A confirmation message appears at the top-right corner of the screen.
List of Settings Under the Request Confirm Tab
The following settings in the Request Confirm tab also affect SC Mobile app users: Changeable Category, Changeable Priority, Changeable NTE, and Changeable Provider.
- Changeable Category: Allows dashboard users to assign a different category to a work order.
- Changeable Priority: Allows dashboard users to change the priority of a work order.
- Priority Selection required (No default): Sets the default for priority as "please check a priority" allowing the dashboard user to choose.
- Maintain or Decrease Priority: Limits dashboard users options to only change priorities to a further out scheduled time.
- Changeable NTE: Allows dashboard users to change the NTE (not-to-exceed amount).
- Changeable Currency: Allows users to change the currency when placing a work order unless the provider has a preferred currency already set.
- Changeable Scheduled Date: Allows dashboard users to change the scheduled date.
- Changeable Provider: Allows dashboard users to change the provider.
- Enable Accounting Fields: Allows dashboard users to view the GL code and the additional approval code before submitting a service request.
- Changeable GL Code: Allows dashboard users to edit the GL code and the additional approval code before submitting a service request. Make sure you also have the Enable Accounting Fields checkbox activated.
- Enable Linked Requests: Allows dashboard users to create linked work orders.
- Show Recipients: Displays the email of the service provider who will receive the request.
- Add Copy Recipient: Allows dashboard users to add additional recipients with access to the location.
- Delete Copy Recipients: Allows dashboard users to remove default email for the selected service provider.
- Empty Provider Email Notification: Adds a note to the work order should an email not exist for the service provider to receive the request.
- Enable PO Field: Allows dashboard users to add a purchase order number while creating a new work order.
- Require PO Number: Requires dashboard users to enter a purchase order number when creating a work order.
- Enable Work Order Field: Allows dashboard users to add a work order number; that differs from the Service Provider work order number or when a duplicate work order is created.
- Enable Labels: Allows dashboard users to add existing labels or create a new label during the creation of a work order.
- Labels as Select-Only: Disables users from creating new labels and must select from a predetermined list of labels.
- Edit Weather Type: Allows dashboard users to select a specific weather type to associate with a work order.
- Show Asset: Shows the asset associated with the work order on the work order creation confirmation page
- Enable Assignee: Allows dashboard users to assign the work order to a specific person on the work order creation confirmation page.
, multiple selections available,
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