Editing MLP Rules

Editing MLP Rules

You can change the MLP ruleset name, add/remove trades and categories within a Trade/Category combination, add/remove levels, add/remove actions, change limits, workflow, and notifications.  

You can also clone an existing MLP ruleset to change trades and categories. 

⦿ How to Edit an MLP Ruleset
  1. Click Menu > MLP Configuration.  

    Screenshot showing the MLI configuration on the menu

  2. In the MLP Rules section, click the ruleset name.

  3. (Optional) Add or remove trades and categories from the existing Trade/Category combination or add a new combination by clicking the Add Trades/Categories button. 
  4. (Optional) Click the Cross icon next to the level to remove the level and its configuration from the hierarchy.

  5. (Optional) Click + Add a Level to append more levels to the hierarchy.  
  6. (Optional) Click the Cross icon next to the action to remove it from the level.

  7. (Optional) Click Add Action to add more actions to the level. 
  8. (Optional) Change the approval limit if needed. 
  9. (Optional) Change the Forward To option if needed. 
  10. (Optional) Change the Set Status To option for the Approve action(s) if needed. 
  11. (Optional) Change the number of days for auto-escalation, notifications, overrides, and skips if needed. 
  12. Click Save > Close > Apply Changes to save the updates. 

If you unsaved the changes for some reason, they are available 24 hours for further editing and saving. 

⦿ How to Clone an MLP Ruleset
  1. Click Menu > MLP Configuration.

    Screenshot showing the MLI configuration on the menu

  2. In the MLP Rules section, click the ruleset name.
  3. At the top of the MLP Rules Configuration page, click Clone.

    The existing MLP hierarchy with the same limits, level actions, configuration of notifications, overrides, skips, and auto-escalation days will be copied. You will be redirected to a new ruleset configuration page.

  4. In the upper-left corner of the page, enter the new ruleset name. 
  5. Click Add Trades/Categories to add trades and categories for the ruleset. 
  6. Make necessary changes in the hierarchy, workflow, and notifications if needed.