Completing Your Directory Profile

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By keeping your Directory Profile complete and up to date you ensure your company will have a higher profile score and are more likely to come up in a client’s contractor search.

On the Profile Overview page, next to Fixxbook profile click Edit profile.

We strongly encourage you to complete every section of your Directory Profile. The more information you enter, the more clients will get a better understanding of your business and could, potentially, help you gain more business.

Directory Profile

Next to each section is an Edit button for you to add or update information.

Adding Company Information

When you first registered for Provider Automation, your information populated the Company Information section. Review this section to ensure all fields are correct and accurate, as it is vital to

  • Do Business with ServiceChannel Clients: ServiceChannel clients who wish to work with you need to accept your company into their private network. You must enter your business information — expressly, your Tax ID — to be accepted into these networks.

  • Keep your W-9 form updated: Your Business Name, Type of Charter, Address and Tax Identification Number are pulled directly from this section into your W-9 Form.
⦿ How To Update Company Information
  1. Click Edit in the Company Information section. The Update Company Information modal appears.
  2. Review your Business Information, and include or modify information as necessary.
  3. (Optional) Enter a fax number and/or your company's website URL.
  4. (Optional) Upload your company's logo.

    • Use only .jpg, .png, or .bmp format, no larger than 500KB.
    • This logo will appear both on your Directory Profile and in ServiceChannel Provider Mobile app when you or your technicians are checking in onse
  5. Click Save. The company information is updated.

Adding Company Q & A

By answering a few simple questions, you can provide clients with more information about your company.

⦿ How To Update Company Q & A
  1. Click Edit next to the Company Q & A header. The Company Q & A modal appears.
  2. Complete each prompt about your company.
  3. Click Save. The Company Q & A section is updated.

Adding Diverse Contractors/Suppliers Certifications

You may add your companies certifications, as needed.

⦿ How To Add A Diverse Contractors/Suppliers Certification
  1. Click Add next to the Diverse Contractors/Suppliers header. The Diverse Contractors/Suppliers Certificate modal appears.
  2. Select the type of certification. 
  3. Enter the Certifying Agency, Certification Number, Issue Date, Expire Date and Issued By.
  4. Attach a supporting document.
  5. Click Save. The certificate is added to your profile.

Adding Business Basics

Provide information about how long your company has been in business, how large your company is, and the industries in which your company commonly works.

⦿ How To Update Business Basics
  1. Click Edit next to the Business Basics header. The Update Basic Summary Info modal appears.
  2. Enter business start year, start year under the current name, number of full-time employees and number of field technicians.
  3. Select up to 5 types of clients with which you have worked.
  4. Click Save. The Business Basics section is updated.

Adding Trade Associations & Certifications 

Add all applicable associations so clients know you are a part of associations.

In order to list Licenses in your profile, you must first list Trade Associations.

⦿ How To Add Trade Associations and Certifications
  1. Click Edit next to the Trade Associations & Certifications header. The Manage Trade Associations & Certifications modal appears.
  2. Click all applicable trade associations and certifications. The associations appear under your company’s list.
  3. Click Close. The associations are added to the section list.

Adding References

You may add professional references from other clients or other reputable businesses. This gives your clients even more confidence in working with your team.

⦿ How To Add A Reference
  1. Click Add next to the References header. The Add Reference overlay appears.
  2. Enter contact company name, phone, and email.
  3. Select the trade for which this company is a reference.
  4. Click Save. The reference is added to the list.
  5. Click Add Document below the reference. The Add Reference Doc modal appears.
  6. Enter a Description, and then attach a related document.
  7. Click Save. The document is added to the reference.
  8. Once all references are entered, check the box next to “After this section is completed, please check here."

Adding Regional Offices 

You may add regional offices to your profile so your clients better understand your office coverage.

The location you listed when you first registered is automatically populated as an office location. Follow the instructions below to add more offices.

⦿ How To Add A Regional Office
  1. Click Add next to the Regional Offices header. The Add a New Office modal appears.
  2. Enter office name, address, phone and email.
  3. Select the status of Active.
  4. Click Save. The office location is added to the list.
  5. Once all offices are entered, check the box next to “After this section is completed, please check here."

Adding General Contacts

⦿ How To Add A General Contact
  1. Click Add next to the General Contacts header. The Edit Person modal appears. 
  2. Select an Office type either Headquarters or Regional Office.
  3. Enter the Name, Phone and Login name.
  4. (Optional) Enter a Job Title, Mobile phone number, and/or Fax number.
  5. Click Save. The contact is added to the list.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 to add more contacts.
  7. Once all contacts are entered, check the box next to “After this section is completed, please check here."

Adding Mobile

Add the mobile technology your business use, to indicate to prospective clients whether you have the capabilities of managing work orders through ServiceChannel's Provider mobile app.

⦿ How To Add Mobile Devices
  1. Click Edit next to the Mobile header. The Mobile modal appears.
  2. Check all applicable mobile devices your technicians use.
    1. Should you have a mobile device that is not listed, check Other and enter the model of the mobile device.
  3. Click Save. The mobile section is updated.
  4. Check the box next to “After this section is completed, please check here."

Adding Licenses 

You may add, edit or delete your companies trade licenses, as needed.

You must add all applicable trade associations before you can add a license.

⦿ How To Add A Trade License:
  1. Click Add next to the Licenses section. The Add License modal appears.
  2. Select the Trade.
  3. Enter License/Certification #, Description and Expiration Date.
  4. Attach a supporting document, where applicable.
  5. Click Save. The trade license is added to the list.
  6. Repeat steps 1-5 to add more licenses.
  7. Once all licenses are entered, check the box next to “After this section is completed, please check here."

Adding After Hours Information

In this section, you can indicate when after hours start and end for your company and state how you would like to be reached during these hours.

⦿ How To Add After Hours Information:
  1. Click Create next to the After Hours Information header. The Add After Hours modal appears.
  2. Select a Contact Type from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter Contact Info, After Hours Starts time, and After Hours End time.
  4. Search for and select your Time Zone from the drop-down menu.
  5. Click Save. The After Hours contact is added.
  6. Check the box next to “After this section is completed, please check here."

Adding Insurance

In this section, provide basic information about the insurance policies you carry. Add all the different insurance policies you have and ensure you keep the data up to date. You will receive alerts reminding you to update your insurance information when an insurance policy is set to expire. Note that once you are invited to clients' Private Networks, they will have additional insurance requirements.

⦿ How To Add Insurance
  1. Click Add next to the Insurance header. The Add Insurance modal appears.
  2. Select the insurance Type from the drop-down menu.
  3. Enter the insurance Carrier, Policy Number, and Expiration Date.
  4. Enter the Amount and select the preferred currency. 
  5. Check the boxes for insurance that is Contractual Liability Coverage and/or Additionally Insured.
  6. Click Save. The insurance is added to the list.
  7. Once all insurance policies are entered, check the box next to “After this section is completed, please check here."

Confirming Your Profile and Next Step

When all of your sections are complete, navigate to Profile Overview in the top navigation bar to view that you are 100% complete. With your Directory Profile now complete, potential clients can now find you and contact you when your company is what they are looking for.

Get Your Technicians Ready to Take On Clients

Provider Companies who use ServiceChannel Provider mobile app can update work orders faster and easier than using a telephone service (although we do provide telephone IVR service!). In order for your technicians to use all of the tools available to them, we recommend inviting them through User Management.

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